Examine the IP File Groups - 2023.2 English

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Creating and Packaging Custom IP (UG1119)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English
The File Groups page provides a listing of the files to be packaged as part of the custom IP.
  1. Examine the files packaged as part of the custom IP, shown in the following figure, to understand how the IP directory correlates to the File Groups.

  2. In the Packaging Steps toolbar, select the File Groups page.
  3. Expand the file group folders as shown in the following figure.

    The File Groups page is the listing of the files for the custom IP. The file groups for the custom IP match with directory structure of the IP directory.

    The synthesis and simulation file groups contain the HDL files associated with the /src directory. The synthesis file group contains two additional files from the /src directory, the XDC files.

    The Product Guide file group is populated with the PDF from the /doc directory and the test bench file group is populated with the /tb directory.

  4. The test benches are located within its own file group and are not in the Simulation file group.