What's in the Box? - UG1089

Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit User Guide (UG1089)

Document ID
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1.3 English
The Kria KV260 Vision AI Starter Kit includes a K26 SOM, integrated thermal solution, and carrier card. The kit is only meant for SOM platform evaluation with the carrier card providing a variety of interfaces for integrating different peripherals. The box also includes a Getting Started card that directs you to the getting started web page and product page. Developer stickers are also included in the box. The KV260 Starter Kit does not include a power supply, SD card, peripherals, or additional accessories. However, this guide lists Power Adapters and Supported Peripherals you can purchase separately.
Table 1. Summary of Box Contents
Line Item Items Quantity
1 Starter Kit SOM with fansink thermal solution 1
2 Starter kit carrier card 1
3 Getting Started card 1
4 Developer stickers 1