Using the IP Catalog - 2021.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide : Designing with IP (UG896)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

The key features of the Vivado IP catalog include:

  • Consistent, easy access to Xilinx IP, including building blocks, wizards, connectivity, DSP, embedded, AXI infrastructure, and video IP from a single common repository regardless of the end application being developed.
  • Support for multiple physical locations in an IP repository, including shared network drives, allowing users or organizations to leverage a consistent IP deployment environment for third-party or internally-developed IP.
  • Access to the Xilinx-delivered IP, which is rigorously tested prior to inclusion in the IP catalog.
  • Access to IP customization and generation using the Vivado IDE or an automated script-based flow using Tcl.
  • On-demand delivery of IP output products such as instantiation templates and simulation models (HDL, C, or MATLAB® software).
  • IP example designs that provide capability to evaluate IP directly as an instantiated source in a Vivado Design Suite project.
  • Access to version history details as recorded in the Change Log. A <Major#.Minor#.Rev#> numbering scheme unifies the IP version numbers.

    For more information, see the Xilinx IP Versioning page available from the Xilinx website for Vivado IP Versioning.

    • The recommended response to the disposition of an IP version is as follows:
    • Major#: You need to make a change.
    • Minor#: You might need to make a change.
    • Rev#: No need to make a change.
  • Catalog filter options that let you filter by Supported Output Products, Supported Interfaces, Licensing, Provider, and Status.
  • Group IP by Taxonomy or Repository.

Use the report_property Tcl command to list the properties available for an IP Definition, as follows:

report_property -all [get_ipdefs <IP VLNV>]

This information is also shown in the IP catalog. An example of the command is, as follows:

report_property -all [get_ipdefs]

You can also query for a specific property, as follows:

get_property supported_families [get_ipdefs]

For information on IP that supports the Vivado Design Suite, see the Xilinx website for IP Documentation. For information on specific IP, see the IP Center or look at the IP catalog.

The following figure shows the default Vivado IP catalog view that lists the available categories (Cores) of IP.

Figure 1. Xilinx IP Catalog - Cores

There are two views in the IP catalog. They contain the following:

  • Cores: IP provided by Xilinx, Alliance Partners, and Customer repositories.
  • Interfaces: A list of available interfaces, shown in the following figure.
Figure 2. Xilinx IP Catalog - Interfaces

The Interfaces are categorized by how one would store contents in the Vivado Repository when packaging an IP.