The Vivado IDE integrates the Vivado Simulator, which enables you to add and manage simulation sources in the project. You can configure simulation options, and create and manage simulation source sets. You can run behavioral simulation on RTL sources, prior to synthesis.
- In the Flow Navigator, under Project Manager, click the Settings command.
The Settings dialog box opens with Project Settings at the top, and Tool Settings below that.
- Examine the settings available on the Simulation page, then click Cancel to close the dialog box.
- Click the Run Simulation command in the Flow Navigator, then click the Run Behavioral Simulation in the sub-menu.
- Examine and explore the Simulation environment. Simulation is covered in detail in the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Logic Simulation (UG900) and the Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Logic Simulation (UG937).
- Close the simulation by clicking the X icon on the Behavioral Simulation view banner.
- Click OK to close the Simulation window and click No if prompted to save changes.