Note: To install the VAI pruner, you must install the Conda package first.
For the Docker image, skip this section. VAI pruner already exists in the coresponding
Conda environments.
To install VAI pruner, first install Conda and then install the Conda package for your framework.
Install Conda
For more information, see the Conda installation guide.vai_optimizer_tensorflow
vai_p_tensorflow is based on TensorFlow 1.15. Install this vai_optimizer_tensorflow package to get vai_p_tensorflow.
$ tar xzvf vai_optimizer_tensorflow.tar.gz
$ conda install vai_optimizer_tensorflow_gpu -c file://$(pwd)/vai-bld -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 -c conda-forge
vai_optimizer_pytorch is a Python library and you can use it by calling its APIs.
$ tar xzvf vai_optimizer_pytorch.tar.gz
$ conda install vai_optimizer_pytorch_gpu -c file://$(pwd)/vai-bld -c pytorch
vai_p_caffe binary is included in this vai_optimizer_caffe conda package.
$ tar xzvf vai_optimizer_caffe.tar.gz
$ conda install vai_optimizer_caffe_gpu -c file://$(pwd)/vai-bld -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 -c conda-forge
$ tar xzvf vai_optimizer_darknet.tar.gz
$ conda install vai_optimizer_darknet_gpu -c file://$(pwd)/vai-bld