The following arguments are available when running vai_p_tensorflow:
Argument | Type | Action | Default | Description |
action | string | - | "" | Which action to run. Valid actions include ‘ana', 'prune', 'transform', and 'flops'. |
workspace | string | [‘ana’, ‘prune’] | "" | Directory for saving output files. |
input_graph | string | [‘ana’, ‘prune’, ‘flops’] | "" | Path of a GraphDef protobuf file that defines the network’s architecture. |
input_ckpt | string | [‘ana’, ‘prune’, ‘transform’] | "" | Path of a checkpoint file. It is the prefix of filenames created for the checkpoint. |
eval_fn_path | string | [‘ana’] | "" | A Python file path used for model evaluation. |
target | string | [‘ana’] | "" | The output node name that indicates the performance of the model. |
max_num_batches | int | [‘ana’] | None | Maximum number of batches to evaluate.By default, use all. |
output_graph | string | [‘prune’] | "" | Path of a GraphDef protobuf file for saving the pruned network. |
output_ckpt | string | [‘prune’, ‘transform’’] | "" | Path of a checkpoint file for saving weights. |
gpu | string | [‘ana’] | "" | GPU device IDs to use separated by ‘,’. |
sparsity | float | [‘prune’] | None | The desired sparsity of network after pruning. |
exclude | repeated | [‘ana’, ‘prune’] | None | Convolution nodes excluded from pruning. |
input_nodes | repeated | [‘flops’] | None | Input nodes of the inference graph. |
input_node_shapes | repeated | [‘flops’] | None | Shape of input nodes. |
output_nodes | repeated | [‘ana’, ‘prune’, ‘flops’] | None | Output nodes of the inference graph. |
channel_batch | int | [‘prune’] | 2 | The number of output channels is a multiple of this value after pruning. |