Step 2: Building an Application with C++ and RTL-Based Kernels - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: Hardware Acceleration (XD099)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

Now that you have successfully built and run an application with a C++ based kernel, update the hardware design to also include an RTL-based kernel. For this tutorial, the RTL kernel is a simple +1 adder. The packaged RTL kernel is provided for your use in the System project at ./src/rtl_kernel/rtl_kernel_wizard_0.xo. Similar to the previous section, build, emulate, and review the generated Timeline Trace report. Regardless of how the kernels were designed, as HLS C/C++ kernels or as RTL kernels, the host application accesses the PL kernels through the same XRT native API calls.

For a tutorial on packaging an RTL kernel review the Getting Started with RTL Kernels tutorial. For complete details refer to Packaging RTL Kernels in the Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation (UG1393).