Step 7: Exporting Waivers - 2022.1 English - UG938

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG938)

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English
In this step, you export waivers with the write_waivers Tcl command.
Note: The XDC output file can be imported using the read_xdc or source Tcl commands.
  1. To export the CDC waivers, enter: write_waivers -type cdc waivers.xdc.
    Tip: Alternatively, because there are no DRC or methodology waivers, you can enter:

    write_waivers waivers.xdc or write_xdc -type waiver waivers.xdc.

  2. Open the waivers.xdc file to view the three waivers.
    Note: The following example is reformatted to better show the different command line options.
    create_waiver -type CDC -id {CDC-10} -user "Xilinx" \
      -desc "This is a safe CDC per review with the team" \
      -from [get_pins i_my_ip_support_block/jesd204_i/inst/i_my_ip/i_tx/i_tx_counters_32/got_sysref_r_reg/C] \
      -to [get_pins {i_my_ip_support_block/jesd204_i/inst/sync_tx_sysref_captured/syncstages_ff_reg[0]/D}] \
      -timestamp "<timestamp>" ;#1
    create_waiver -type CDC -id {CDC-11} -user "Xilinx" \
      -desc "Safe fanout. Circuitry has been released" \
      -from [get_pins {i_my_ip_support_block/jesd204_i/inst/i_my_ip_reset_block/stretch_reg[10]/C}] \
      -to [get_pins {i_my_ip_support_block/i_jesd204_phy/inst/jesd204_phy_block_i/sync_rx_reset_data/xpm_cdc_async_rst_inst/arststages_ff_reg[0]/CLR}] \
      -timestamp "<timestamp>" ;#1
    create_waiver -type CDC -id {CDC-11} -user "Xilinx" \
      -desc "Safe fanout. Circuitry has been released" \
      -from [get_pins {i_my_ip_support_block/jesd204_i/inst/i_my_ip_reset_block/stretch_reg[10]/C}] \
      -to [get_pins {i_my_ip_support_block/i_jesd204_phy/inst/jesd204_phy_block_i/sync_tx_reset_data/xpm_cdc_async_rst_inst/arststages_ff_reg[0]/CLR}] \
      -timestamp "<timestamp>" ;#2