Primitive: Multi-Output Clock Buffer Driven by Gigabit Transceiver
Multi-Output clock buffer driven by the gigabit transceiver for the purpose of clock distribution to other portions of the device.
Port Descriptions
Port | Direction | Width | Function |
CE | Input | 1 | Buffer enable |
CEMASK | Input | 1 | CE Mask |
CLR | Input | 1 | Asynchronous clear forcing the output to zero. |
CLRB_LEAF | Input | 1 | Active low clear of BUFDIV_LEAF |
CLRMASK | Input | 1 | CLR Mask |
DIV<2:0> | Input | 3 | Specifies the value to divide the clock. Divide value is value provided plus 1. For instance, setting 3'b000 will provide a divide value of 1 and 3'b111 will be a divide value of 8. |
I | Input | 1 | Buffer Input |
O1 | Output | 1 |
Note: Connecting the DIV<2:0> pins to a non-zero value will result in futher division of the output clock by that factor.
O2 | Output | 1 |
Note: Connecting the DIV<2:0> pins to a non-zero value will result in futher division of the output clock by that factor.
O3 | Output | 1 |
Note: Connecting the DIV<2:0> pins to a non-zero value will result in futher division of the output clock by that factor.
O4 | Output | 1 |
Note: Connecting the DIV<2:0> pins to a non-zero value will result in futher division of the output clock by that factor.
Design Entry Method
Instantiation | Yes |
Inference | No |
IP and IP Integrator Catalog | Recommended |
Available Attributes
Attribute | Type | Allowed Values | Default | Description |
Sets the mode of operation that determines the output clock generation.
For PERFORMANCE MODE, the outputs are generated as follows:
For POWER MODE, the outputs are generated as follows:
Note: Connecting the DIV<2:0> pins to a non-zero value will result in futher division of the output clock by that factor.
VHDL Instantiation Template
Unless they already exist, copy the following
two statements and paste them before the entity declaration.
Library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.vcomponents.all;
-- MBUFG_GT: Multi-Output Clock Buffer Driven by Gigabit Transceiver
-- Versal Premium series
-- Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2022.1
generic map (
port map (
O1 => O1, -- 1-bit output: Buffer
O2 => O2, -- 1-bit output: Buffer
O3 => O3, -- 1-bit output: Buffer
O4 => O4, -- 1-bit output: Buffer
CE => CE, -- 1-bit input: Buffer enable
CEMASK => CEMASK, -- 1-bit input: CE Mask
CLR => CLR, -- 1-bit input: Asynchronous clear
CLRB_LEAF => CLRB_LEAF, -- 1-bit input: Active low clear
CLRMASK => CLRMASK, -- 1-bit input: CLR Mask
DIV => DIV, -- 3-bit input: Dynamic divide Value
I => I -- 1-bit input: Buffer
-- End of MBUFG_GT_inst instantiation
Verilog Instantiation Template
// MBUFG_GT: Multi-Output Clock Buffer Driven by Gigabit Transceiver
// Versal Premium series
// Xilinx HDL Language Template, version 2022.1
MBUFG_GT_inst (
.O1(O1), // 1-bit output: Buffer
.O2(O2), // 1-bit output: Buffer
.O3(O3), // 1-bit output: Buffer
.O4(O4), // 1-bit output: Buffer
.CE(CE), // 1-bit input: Buffer enable
.CEMASK(CEMASK), // 1-bit input: CE Mask
.CLR(CLR), // 1-bit input: Asynchronous clear
.CLRB_LEAF(CLRB_LEAF), // 1-bit input: Active low clear
.CLRMASK(CLRMASK), // 1-bit input: CLR Mask
.DIV(DIV), // 3-bit input: Dynamic divide Value
.I(I) // 1-bit input: Buffer
// End of MBUFG_GT_inst instantiation
Related Information
- Versal ACAP Clocking Resources Architecture Manual (AM003)