References - 2021.2 English - UG1506

Versal ACAP Board System Design Methodology Guide (UG1506)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.2 English

These documents provide supplemental material useful with this guide:

  1. Versal ACAP PCB Design User Guide (UG863)
  2. Versal ACAP Design Guide (UG1273)
  3. Versal ACAP AI Engine Programming Environment User Guide (UG1076)
  4. Versal ACAP AI Engine Kernel Coding User Guide (UG1079)
  5. Versal ACAP Hardware, IP, and Platform Development Methodology Guide (UG1387)
  6. Versal ACAP System and Solution Planning Methodology Guide (UG1504)
  7. Xilinx Power Estimator User Guide for Versal ACAP (UG1275)
  8. Versal ACAP System Integration and Validation Methodology Guide (UG1388)
  9. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: I/O and Clock Planning (UG899)
  10. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization (UG907)
  11. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)
  12. Versal ACAP AI Engine Kernel Coding User Guide (UG1079)
  13. Simulating FPGA Power Integrity Using S-Parameter Models (WP411)
  14. Extending the Thermal Solution by Utilizing Excursion Temperatures (WP517)
  15. Versal ACAP Schematic Review Checklist (XTP546)
  16. Versal ACAP GTY and GTYP Transceivers Architecture Manual (AM002)
  17. Versal ACAP Clocking Resources Architecture Manual (AM003)
  18. Versal ACAP SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010)
  19. Versal ACAP Technical Reference Manual (AM011)
  20. Versal ACAP Packaging and Pinouts Architecture Manual (AM013)
  21. Versal ACAP Schematic Review Checklist (XTP546)
  22. Mechanical and Thermal Design Guidelines for Lidless Flip-Chip Packages (XAPP1301)
  23. Advanced I/O Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG320)
  24. Versal ACAP CPM DMA and Bridge Mode for PCI Express Product Guide (PG347)