Add or Remove Product Entitlements from a License Key File - 2021.1 English - UG973

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973)

Document ID
Release Date
2021.1 English
  1. From the Manage Licenses tab, select the license file to which you wish to add or remove features/entitlements.
  2. Click Modify License.

    The Modify License screen appears.

  3. Go to Product Selection.
  4. Check boxes of any entitlements you want to add or remove from this license file.
  5. Click Next button twice.

    If you removed features, accept the Affidavit of Destruction.

    Note: No Affidavit of Destruction is required for adding features.

    Modifying a key file uses the same input form as when the license key file was created, except that additional product entitlements of the same license type (floating or node-locked) are made available for adding to the license file.