Step 13: Set the Logic to Processor Cross- Trigger - 2024.2 English

Programming an Embedded MicroBlaze Processor (XD131)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

When the Vivado Hardware Session successfully connects to the SP701 board, you see the information shown in the following figure:


  1. Select the Settings - hw_ila_1 tab and keep the Trigger Mode Settings with the default value:

    1. Set Trigger mode to BASIC_ONLY.

    1. Under Capture Mode Settings, ensure that Trigger position in window is set to 512.

  1. Click on the (+) sign in the Trigger Setup window to add the slot_0 : microblaze_riscv_0_axi_periph_M00_AXI : AWVALID signal from the Add Probes window.

  2. In the Trigger Setup window, for slot_0 : microblaze_riscv_0_axi_periph_M00_AXI : AWVALID signal, ensure that the Operator field is set to ==, the Radix field to [B] (Binary) and the Value field to 1 (logical one).

    This essentially sets up the ILA to trigger when the awvalid transitions to a value of 1.


  3. Click the Run Trigger button to ‘arm’ the ILA in the Status - hw_ila_1 window.

    The ILA immediately triggers as the application software is continuously performing a write to the GPIO thereby toggling the net_slot_0\_axi_awvalid signal, which causes the ILA to trigger. The ILA in turn, toggles the TRIG_OUT signal, which signals the processor to stop code execution.