Select File > New Component > From Examples or under Get Started click Examples.
Select Peripheral Tests.
Click on Create Application Component from Template.
Click Next.
In the Platform page, select the previously created platform.
Click Next.
In the Domain page leave all the fields at their default values and click Next.
Review the Summary and click Finish.
A new
application is created. If thetestperiph.c
file is not already open, select MICROBLAZE-V-SYSTEM/peripheral_tests [Application]/Sources/src/testperiph.c, and double-click to open the source file. Modify the source file by inserting a while statement at approximately line 18. Press Ctrl + S to save the file.a. In line 18, add
above the curly brace as shown in the following figure.To build the application select peripheral_tests under Flow > Component and click on Build. Click OK on the pop-up window to build the associated platform.
Wait for the application to finish compiling.