Summary - XAPP1375

Simplified Power Sequencing (XAPP1375)

Document ID
Release Date
1.2 English

This application note describes the various methods used for implementing power sequencing in the AMD Versalâ„¢ adaptive SoC. Although it is targeted for Versal devices, this application note is also applicable to AMD SoCs and FPGAs. Modifications might be needed to align with a specific device's sequencing requirements in the applicable data sheet. Each method includes details on how it is implemented along with examples to help in selecting the best method for your system. The goal is to increase awareness of the importance of correct power sequencing and remove any confusion surrounding it. There are multiple methods available whether using an AMD or a third-party product. Because the examples might not be drop-in solutions for every use case, AMD recommends modifying a desired method to suit your specific requirements.