Limitations of the Module Reference Feature - 2024.2 English - UG994

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator (UG994)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The following limitations exist in the Module Reference feature:

  • Because a module reference is not an IP, you cannot specify the Vendor, Library, Name, and Version (VLNV).
  • VHDL and Verilog are the only supported languages for module definition. A block design containing a module reference cannot be packaged as an IP. Instead, package the module as an IP separately, and then package the BD including that IP.
  • Module Reference blocks cannot be opted out of upgrade while migrating a design from a previous version of Vivado.
  • A ModuleRef must not contain CIPS or NOC IP.
  • A ModuleRef cannot instantiate one or more DCP modules.
  • A ModuleRef cannot instantiate one or more ModuleRefs (Nested ModuleRefs).
  • A ModuleRef cannot instantiate a BD using block design container (BDC) technology.
  • BD/ XCI will be synthesized in OOC inside module referenced RTL.
    Tip: SystemVerilog and VHDL 2008 are not supported for the module or entity definition at the top-level of the RTL module.
  • When you have multiple instances of a module reference on a BD canvas, the module names in the RTL hierarchy must be unique. The user must uniquify all the modules name to ensure that there are no conflicts. Alternatively, a BDC can be used. If the module reference is in the BDC and the BDC is instantiated multiple times, the BDC takes care of uniquifying the module names.

Known Issues

  • Associated ELF files do not show in the GUI for BD module references. This is only a GUI issue, the MB processor and ELF files advertised correctly from Tcl.
  • The assigned addresses to/from an RTL module reference are lost when "Refresh Module References" is clicked. Assign the address manually.
  • Hardware handoff issues when BD with MicroBlaze processor are packaged as IP or added as RTL module ref in another.