Third-party board files or even AMD
provided board files that are not natively supported in Vivado can be downloaded from the GitHub using the Vivado Store. To download boards click .
Figure 1. Download Board Files from GitHub

Click Install button in the left menu
panel to install the selected Board in your local drive. The installed Boards are
indicated with icon in the beginning of name.
Note: Some Board files are released asynchronously on GitHub,
therefore Board Store must be refreshed to access such published contents.
The first time you download the boards from the GitHub you will download the
entire repository available. Subsequent downloads will only download the boards that are
new and have not been previously downloaded. As the boards are being downloaded you will
see messages such as the following on the Tcl
INFO: [Common 17-1570] Installing object from remote host
INFO: [Common 17-1573] Object has been installed successfully.
INFO: [Common 17-1570] Installing object from remote host
INFO: [Common 17-1573] Object has been installed successfully.
INFO: [Common 17-1570] Installing object from remote host
INFO: [Common 17-1573] Object has been installed successfully.
INFO: [Common 17-1570] Installing object from remote host
INFO: [Common 17-1573] Object has been installed successfully.
INFO: [Common 17-1570] Installing object from remote host
These boards are downloaded to the default locations which are as follows:
- On Linux -
<user home directory>/.Xilinx/Vivado/20xx.x/xhub/board_store/
- On Windows -
Once the boards have been download the repository path to the download location is set automatically and the downloaded boards are now visible in the Default Part page. You can then select the target board and create your project.
Note: When Board and CED stores are refreshed and updated,
the new files are downloaded to the home directory. If Vivado
designs are migrated to a newer version, there can be instances where it can retain old
repositories and board files, which might get used in the new version as well. Hence, it
is advised to remove such old repositories manually before you upgrade Vivado. You can then refresh the Board store inside the tool to fetch the
latest files.