The MicroBlaze processor core exports a number of internal signals for trace purposes. This signal interface is not standardized and new revisions of the processor might not be backward compatible for signal selection or functionality. It is recommended that you not design custom logic for these signals, but rather to use them using AMD provided analysis IP. The trace signals are grouped in the TRACE bus. The current set of trace signals were last updated for MicroBlaze v7.30 and are listed in Table 1.
The mapping of the MSR bits is shown in Table 2. For a complete description of the Machine Status Register, see Special Purpose Registers.
The Trace exception types are listed in Table 3. All unused Trace exception types are reserved.
Signal Name | Description | VHDL Type | Direction |
Trace_Valid_Instr | Valid instruction on trace port. | std_logic | output |
Trace_Instruction 1 | Instruction code | std_logic_vector (0 to 31) | output |
Trace_PC 1 | Program counter, where N = 32 - 64, determined by parameter C_ADDR_SIZE for 64-bit MicroBlaze, and 32 otherwise | std_logic_vector (0 to 31) | output |
Trace_Reg_Write 1 | Instruction writes to the register file | std_logic | output |
Trace_Reg_Addr 1 | Destination register address | std_logic_vector (0 to 4) | output |
Trace_MSR_Reg 1 | Machine status register. The mapping of the register bits is documented below. | std_logic_vector (0 to 14)1 | output |
Trace_PID_Reg 1 | Process identifier register | std_logic_vector (0 to 7) | output |
Trace_New_Reg_Value 1 | Destination register update value, where N = C_DATA_SIZE | std_logic_vector (0 to N-1) | output |
Trace_Exception_Taken 1,2 | Instruction result in taken exception | std_logic | output |
Trace_Exception_Kind 1 | Exception type. The description for the exception type is documented below. | std_logic_vector (0 to 4)2 | output |
Trace_Jump_Taken 1 | Branch instruction evaluated true, that is taken | std_logic | output |
Trace_Jump_Hit 1,3 | Branch Target Cache hit | std_logic | output |
Trace_Delay_Slot 1 | Instruction is in delay slot of a taken branch | std_logic | output |
Trace_Data_Access 1 | Valid D-side memory access | std_logic | output |
Trace_Data_Address 1 | Address for D-side memory access, where N = 32 - 64, determined by parameter C_ADDR_SIZE | std_logic_vector (0 to N-1) | output |
Trace_Data_Write_Value 1 | Value for D-side memory write access, where N = C_DATA_SIZE | std_logic_vector (0 to N-1) | output |
Trace_Data_Byte_Enable 1 | Byte enables for D-side memory access, where N = C_DATA_SIZE / 8 | std_logic_vector (0 to N-1) | output |
Trace_Data_Read 1 | D-side memory access is a read | std_logic | output |
Trace_Data_Write 1 | D-side memory access is a write | std_logic | output |
Trace_DCache_Req | Data memory address is within D-Cache range. Set when a memory access instruction is executed. | std_logic | output |
Trace_DCache_Hit | Data memory address is present in D-Cache. Set simultaneously with Trace_DCache_Req when a cache hit occurs. | std_logic | output |
Trace_DCache_Rdy | Data memory address is within D-Cache range and the access is completed. Only set following a request with Trace_DCache_Req = 1 and Trace_DCache_Hit = 0. | std_logic | output |
Trace_DCache_Read | The D-Cache request is a read. Valid only when Trace_DCache_Req = 1. | std_logic | output |
Trace_ICache_Req | Instruction memory address is within I-Cache range, and the cache is enabled in the Machine Status Register. Set when an instruction is read into the instruction prefetch buffer. | std_logic | output |
Trace_ICache_Hit | Instruction memory address is present in I-Cache. Set simultaneously with Trace_ICache_Req when a cache hit occurs. | std_logic | output |
Trace_ICache_Rdy |
std_logic | output |
Trace_OF_PipeRun | Pipeline advance for Decode stage | std_logic | output |
Trace_EX_PipeRun 3 | Pipeline advance for Execution stage | std_logic | output |
Trace_MEM_PipeRun 3 | Pipeline advance for Memory stage | std_logic | output |
Trace_MB_Halted | Pipeline is halted by debug | std_logic | output |
Trace_MSR_Reg | Machine Status Register | ||
Bit | Bit 1 | Name | Description |
0 | 17 or 49 | VMS | Virtual Protected Mode Save |
1 | 18 or 50 | VM | Virtual Protected Mode |
2 | 19 or 51 | UMS | User Mode Save |
3 | 20 or 52 | UM | User Mode |
4 | 21 or 53 | PVR | Processor Version Register exists |
5 | 22 or 54 | EIP | Exception In Progress |
6 | 23 or 55 | EE | Exception Enable |
7 | 24 or 56 | DCE | Data Cache Enable |
8 | 25 or 57 | DZO | Division by Zero or Division Overflow |
9 | 26 or 58 | ICE | Instruction Cache Enable |
10 | 27 or 59 | FSL | AXI4-Stream Error |
11 | 28 or 60 | BIP | Break in Progress |
12 | 29 or 61 | C | Arithmetic Carry |
13 | 30 or 62 | IE | Interrupt Enable |
14 | 31 or 63 | Reserved | Reserved |
Trace_Exception_Kind [0:4] | Description |
00000 | Stream exception |
00001 | Unaligned exception |
00010 | Illegal Opcode exception |
00011 | Instruction Bus exception |
00100 | Data Bus exception |
00101 | Divide exception |
00110 | FPU exception |
00111 | Privileged instruction exception |
01010 | Interrupt |
01011 | External non maskable break |
01100 | External maskable break |
10000 | Data storage exception |
10001 | Instruction storage exception |
10010 | Data TLB miss exception |
10011 | Instruction TLB miss exception |