The symbols used throughout this chapter are defined in the following tables.
Register Name | Mode | Meaning |
rD | 32-bit |
Destination register r0 - r31, 32 bits: Entire register assigned instruction result |
64-bit |
Destination register r0 - r31, 64 bits: 32 least significant bits assigned instruction result 32 most significant bits cleared to 0 |
rA rB |
32-bit |
Source register r0 - r31, 32 bits: Entire register used as instruction operand |
64-bit |
Source register r0 - r31, 64 bits: 32 least significant bits used as instruction operand 32 most significant bits ignored |
rDL | 64-bit |
Destination register r0 - r31, 64 bits: Entire register assigned instruction result |
rALrBL | 64-bit |
Source register r0 - r31, 64 bits: Entire register used as instruction operand |
rDX |
32-bit 64-bit |
Destination register r0 - r31: Entire register assigned instruction result |
rAXrBX | 32-bit |
Source register r0 - r31, 32 bits: Entire register used as instruction operand |
64-bit |
Source register r0 - r31, 64 bits: Entire register used as instruction operand |
Symbol | Meaning |
+ | Add |
- | Subtract |
× | Multiply |
/ | Divide |
˄ | Bitwise logical AND |
˅ | Bitwise logical OR |
⊕ | Bitwise logical XOR |
x | Bitwise logical complement of x |
← | Assignment |
>> | Right shift |
<< | Left shift |
rx | Register x |
x[i] | Bit i in register x |
x[i:j] | Bits i through j in register x |
= | Equal comparison |
≠ | Not equal comparison |
> | Greater than comparison |
>= | Greater than or equal comparison |
< | Less than comparison |
<= | Less than or equal comparison |
| | Signal choice |
sext(x) | Sign-extend x |
Mem(x) | Memory location at address x |
FSLx | AXI4-Stream interface x |
LSW(x) | Least Significant Word of x |
isDnz(x) | Floating-point: true if x is denormalized |
isInfinite(x) | Floating-point: true if x is +¥ or -¥ |
isPosInfinite(x) | Floating-point: true if x is +¥ |
isNegInfinite(x) | Floating-point: true if x -¥ |
isNaN(x) | Floating-point: true if x is a quiet or signaling NaN |
isZero(x) | Floating-point: true if x is +0 or -0 |
isQuietNaN(x) | Floating-point: true if x is a quiet NaN |
isSigNaN(x) | Floating-point: true if x is a signaling NaN |
signZero(x) | Floating-point: return +0 for x > 0, and -0 if x < 0 |
signInfinite(x) | Floating-point: return +¥ for x > 0, and -¥ if x < 0 |