Notation - 2024.2 English

MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide (UG984)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The symbols used throughout this chapter are defined in the following tables.

Table 1. Register Name Notation
Register Name Mode Meaning
rD 32-bit

Destination register r0 - r31, 32 bits:

Entire register assigned instruction result


Destination register r0 - r31, 64 bits:

32 least significant bits assigned instruction result

32 most significant bits cleared to 0




Source register r0 - r31, 32 bits:

Entire register used as instruction operand


Source register r0 - r31, 64 bits:

32 least significant bits used as instruction operand

32 most significant bits ignored

rDL 64-bit

Destination register r0 - r31, 64 bits:

Entire register assigned instruction result

rALrBL 64-bit

Source register r0 - r31, 64 bits:

Entire register used as instruction operand




Destination register r0 - r31:

Entire register assigned instruction result

rAXrBX 32-bit

Source register r0 - r31, 32 bits:

Entire register used as instruction operand


Source register r0 - r31, 64 bits:

Entire register used as instruction operand

Table 2. Symbol Notation
Symbol Meaning
+ Add
- Subtract
× Multiply
/ Divide
˄ Bitwise logical AND
˅ Bitwise logical OR
Bitwise logical XOR
x Bitwise logical complement of x
>> Right shift
<< Left shift
rx Register x
x[i] Bit i in register x
x[i:j] Bits i through j in register x
= Equal comparison
Not equal comparison
> Greater than comparison
>= Greater than or equal comparison
< Less than comparison
<= Less than or equal comparison
| Signal choice
sext(x) Sign-extend x
Mem(x) Memory location at address x
FSLx AXI4-Stream interface x
LSW(x) Least Significant Word of x
isDnz(x) Floating-point: true if x is denormalized
isInfinite(x) Floating-point: true if x is +¥ or -¥
isPosInfinite(x) Floating-point: true if x is +¥
isNegInfinite(x) Floating-point: true if x
isNaN(x) Floating-point: true if x is a quiet or signaling NaN
isZero(x) Floating-point: true if x is +0 or -0
isQuietNaN(x) Floating-point: true if x is a quiet NaN
isSigNaN(x) Floating-point: true if x is a signaling NaN
signZero(x) Floating-point: return +0 for x > 0, and -0 if x < 0
signInfinite(x) Floating-point: return +¥ for x > 0, and -¥ if x < 0