The Machine Status Register (MSR) contains control and
status bits for the processor. It can be read with an MFS instruction. When reading
the MSR, the carry bit is replicated in the carry copy bit. MSR can be written using
either an MTS
instruction or the dedicated MSRSET
When writing to the MSR using MSRSET
, the Carry bit takes
effect immediately and the remaining bits take effect one clock cycle later. When
writing using MTS, all bits take effect one clock cycle later. Any value written to
the carry copy bit is discarded.
When used with an MTS or MFS instruction, the MSR is specified by setting Sx = 0x0001. The following figure illustrates the MSR register and the following table provides the bit description and reset values.
Bits 1 | Name | Description | Reset Value |
0, 32 | CC |
Arithmetic Carry Copy Copy of the Arithmetic Carry. CC is always the same as bit C. |
0 |
1:16 2:48 |
Reserved | ||
17, 49 | VMS |
Virtual Protected Mode Save Only available when configured with an MMU (if Read/Write |
0 |
18, 50 | VM |
Virtual Protected Mode 0 = MMU address translation and access protection
disabled, with 1 = MMU address translation and access protection
enabled, with Only available when configured with an MMU (if
Read/Write |
0 |
19, 51 | UMS |
User Mode Save Only available when configured with an MMU (if Read/Write |
0 |
20, 52 | UM |
User Mode 0 = Privileged Mode, all instructions are allowed 1 = User Mode, certain instructions are not allowed Only available when configured with an MMU (if Read/Write |
0 |
21, 53 | PVR |
Processor Version Register exists 0 = No Processor Version Register 1 = Processor Version Register exists Read only |
Based on parameter C_PVR |
22, 54 | EIP |
Exception In Progress 0 = No hardware exception in progress 1 = Hardware exception in progress Only available if configured with
exception support ( Read/Write |
0 |
23, 55 | EE |
Exception Enable 0 = Hardware exceptions disabled 2 1 = Hardware exceptions enabled Only available if configured with
exception support ( Read/Write |
0 |
24, 56 | DCE |
Data Cache Enable 0 = Data Cache disabled 1 = Data Cache enabled Only available if configured to use
data cache ( Read/Write |
0 |
25, 57 | DZO |
Division by Zero or Division Overflow 3 0 = No division by zero or division overflow has occurred 1 = Division by zero or division overflow has occurred Only available if configured to use
hardware divider ( Read/Write |
0 |
26, 58 | ICE |
Instruction Cache Enable 0 = Instruction Cache disabled 1 = Instruction Cache enabled Only available if configured to use
instruction cache ( Read/Write |
0 |
27, 59 | FSL |
AXI4-Stream Error 0 = get or getd had no error 1 = get or getd control type mismatch This bit is sticky, that is it is set by a get or getd instruction when a control bit mismatch occurs. To clear it an MTS or MSRCLR instruction must be used. Only available if configured to use
stream links ( Read/Write |
0 |
28, 60 | BIP |
Break in Progress 0 = No Break in Progress 1 = Break in Progress Break Sources can be software break
instruction or hardware break from Read/Write |
0 |
29, 61 | C |
Arithmetic Carry 0 = No Carry (Borrow) 1 = Carry (No Borrow) Read/Write |
0 |
30, 62 | IE |
Interrupt Enable 0 = Interrupts disabled 1 = Interrupts enabled Read/Write |
0 |
31, 63 | - | Reserved | 0 |