All MicroBlaze instructions are 32 bits and are defined as either Type A or Type B. Type A instructions have up to two source register operands and one destination register operand. Type B instructions have one source register and a 16-bit immediate operand (which can be extended to 32 bits by preceding the Type B instruction with an imm instruction).
Type B instructions have a single destination register operand. Instructions are provided in the following functional categories: arithmetic, logical, branch, load/store, and special. The following table describes the instruction set nomenclature used in the semantics of each instruction. The following table lists the MicroBlaze instruction set. See MicroBlaze Instruction Set Architecture, for more information on these instructions.
Symbol | Description |
Ra | R0 - R31, General Purpose Register, source operand a
The instruction bit L is defined in the following table. |
Rb | R0 - R31, General Purpose Register, source operand b
The instruction bit L is defined in the following table. |
Rd | R0 - R31, General Purpose Register, destination operand
The instruction bit L is defined in the following table. |
SPR[x] | Special Purpose Register number x |
MSR | Machine Status Register = SPR[1] |
ESR | Exception Status Register = SPR[5] |
EAR | Exception Address Register = SPR[3] |
FSR | Floating-point Unit Status Register = SPR[7] |
PVRx | Processor Version Register, where x is the register number = SPR[8192 + x] |
BTR | Branch Target Register = SPR[11] |
PC | Execute stage Program Counter = SPR[0] |
x[y] | Bit y of register x |
x[] | Bit range y to z of register x |
x | Bit inverted value of register x |
Imm | 16-bit immediate value |
Immx | x bit immediate value |
FSLx | 4-bit AXI4-Stream port designator, where x is the port number |
C | Carry flag, MSR[29] |
Sa | Special Purpose Register, source operand |
Sd | Special Purpose Register, destination operand |
s(x) | Sign extend argument x to 32-bit or 64-bit value |
*Addr | Memory contents at location Addr (data-size aligned) |
:= | Assignment operator |
= | Equality comparison |
!= | Inequality comparison |
> | Greater than comparison |
>= | Greater than or equal comparison |
< | Less than comparison |
<= | Less than or equal comparison |
+ | Arithmetic add |
* | Arithmetic multiply |
/ | Arithmetic divide |
>> x | Bit shift right x bits |
<< x | Bit shift left x bits |
and | Logic AND |
or | Logic OR |
xor | Logic exclusive OR |
op1 if cond else op2 | Perform op1 if condition
cond is true, else perform
& | Concatenate. For example “0000100 & Imm7” is the concatenation of the fixed field “0000100” and a 7 bit immediate value. |
signed | Operation performed on signed integer data type. All arithmetic operations are performed on signed word operands, unless otherwise specified |
unsigned | Operation performed on unsigned integer data type |
float | Operation performed on floating-point data type |
clz(r) | Count leading zeros |
Type A | 0-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21-31 | Semantics |
Type B | 0-5 | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-31 | ||
ADD Rd,Ra,Rb | 000000 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := Rb + Ra |
RSUB Rd,Ra,Rb | 000001 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := Rb + Ra + 1 |
ADDC Rd,Ra,Rb | 000010 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := Rb + Ra + C |
RSUBC Rd,Ra,Rb | 000011 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := Rb + Ra + C |
ADDK Rd,Ra,Rb | 000100 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := Rb + Ra |
RSUBK Rd,Ra,Rb | 000101 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := Rb + Ra + 1 |
CMP Rd,Ra,Rb | 000101 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000001 |
Rd := Rb + Ra + 1 Rd[0] := 0 if (Rb >= Ra) else Rd[0] := 1 |
CMPU Rd,Ra,Rb | 000101 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000011 |
Rd := Rb + Ra + 1 (unsigned) Rd[0] := 0 if (Rb >= Ra, unsigned) else Rd[0] := 1 |
ADDKC Rd,Ra,Rb | 000110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := Rb + Ra + C |
RSUBKC Rd,Ra,Rb | 000111 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := Rb + Ra + C |
ADDI Rd,Ra,Imm | 001000 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := s(Imm) + Ra | |
RSUBI Rd,Ra,Imm | 001001 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := s(Imm) + Ra + 1 | |
ADDIC Rd,Ra,Imm | 001010 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := s(Imm) + Ra + C | |
RSUBIC Rd,Ra,Imm | 001011 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := s(Imm) + Ra + C | |
ADDIK Rd,Ra,Imm | 001100 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := s(Imm) + Ra | |
RSUBIK Rd,Ra,Imm | 001101 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := s(Imm) + Ra + 1 | |
ADDIKC Rd,Ra,Imm | 001110 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := s(Imm) + Ra + C | |
RSUBIKC Rd,Ra,Imm | 001111 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := s(Imm) + Ra + C | |
MUL Rd,Ra,Rb | 010000 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | Rd := Ra * Rb |
MULH Rd,Ra,Rb | 010000 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000001 | Rd := (Ra * Rb) >> 32 (signed) |
MULHU Rd,Ra,Rb | 010000 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000011 | Rd := (Ra * Rb) >> 32 (unsigned) |
MULHSU Rd,Ra,Rb | 010000 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000010 | Rd := (Ra, signed * Rb, unsigned) >> 32 (signed) |
BSRL Rd,Ra,Rb | 010001 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00L00000000 | Rd := 0 & (Ra >> Rb) |
BSRA Rd,Ra,Rb | 010001 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 01L00000000 | Rd := s(Ra >> Rb) |
BSLL Rd,Ra,Rb | 010001 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10L00000000 | Rd := (Ra << Rb) & 0 |
IDIV Rd,Ra,Rb | 010010 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | Rd := Rb/Ra |
IDIVU Rd,Ra,Rb | 010010 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000010 | Rd := Rb/Ra, unsigned |
TNEAGETD Rd,Rb | 010011 | Rd | 00000 | Rb |
0N0TAE 00000 |
Rd := FSL Rb[28:31] (data read) MSR[FSL] := 1 if (FSL_S_Control = 1) MSR[C] := not FSL_S_Exists if N = 1 |
TNAPUTD Ra,Rb | 010011 | 00000 | Ra | Rb |
1N0TA0 00000 |
FSL Rb[28:31] := Ra (data write) MSR[C] := FSL_M_Full if N = 1 |
TNECAGETD Rd,Rb | 010011 | Rd | 00000 | Rb |
0N1TAE 00000 |
Rd := FSL Rb[28:31] (control read) MSR[FSL] := 1 if (FSL_S_Control = 0) MSR[C] := not FSL_S_Exists if N = 1 |
TNCAPUTD Ra,Rb | 010011 | 00000 | Ra | Rb |
1N1TA0 00000 |
FSL Rb[28:31] := Ra (control write) MSR[C] := FSL_M_Full if N = 1 |
FADD Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | Rd := Rb+Ra, float1 |
FRSUB Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00010000000 | Rd := Rb-Ra, float1 |
FMUL Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00100000000 | Rd := Rb*Ra, float1 |
FDIV Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00110000000 | Rd := Rb/Ra, float1 |
FCMP.UN Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 01000000000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb = NaN or Ra = NaN, float1) else Rd := 0 |
FCMP.LT Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 01000010000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb < Ra, float1) else Rd := 0 |
FCMP.EQ Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 01000100000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb = Ra, float1) else Rd := 0 |
FCMP.LE Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 01000110000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb <= Ra, float1) else Rd := 0 |
FCMP.GT Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 01001000000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb > Ra, float1) else Rd := 0 |
FCMP.NE Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 01001010000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb != Ra, float1) else Rd := 0 |
FCMP.GE Rd,Ra,Rb | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 01001100000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb >= Ra, float1) else Rd := 0 |
FLT Rd,Ra | 010110 | Rd | Ra | 0 | 01010000000 | Rd := float (Ra)1 |
FINT Rd,Ra | 010110 | Rd | Ra | 0 | 01100000000 | Rd := int (Ra)1 |
FSQRT Rd,Ra | 010110 | Rd | Ra | 0 | 01110000000 | Rd := sqrt (Ra)1 |
DADD Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10000000000 | Rd := Rb+Ra, double1 |
DRSUB Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10010000000 | Rd := Rb-Ra, double1 |
DMUL Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10100000000 | Rd := Rb*Ra, double1 |
DDIV Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10110000000 | Rd := Rb/Ra, double1 |
DCMP.UN Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 11000000000 | Rd := 1 if (Rb = NaN or Ra = NaN, double1) else Rd := 0 |
DCMP.LT Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 11000010000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb < Ra, double1) else Rd := 0 |
DCMP.EQ Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 11000100000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb = Ra, double1) else Rd := 0 |
DCMP.LE Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 11000110000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb <= Ra, double1) else Rd := 0 |
DCMP.GT Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 11001000000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb > Ra, double1) else Rd := 0 |
DCMP.NE Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 11001010000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb != Ra, double1) else Rd := 0 |
DCMP.GE Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 11001100000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb >= Ra, double1) else Rd := 0 |
DBL Rd,Ra2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | 0 | 11010000000 | Rd := double (Ra)1 |
DLONG Rd,Ra2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | 0 | 11100000000 | Rd := long (Ra)1 |
DSQRT Rd,Ra2 | 010110 | Rd | Ra | 0 | 11110000000 | Rd := dsqrt (Ra)1 |
MULI Rd,Ra,Imm | 011000 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := Ra * s(Imm) | |
BSRLI Rd,Ra,Imm | 011001 | Rd | Ra | 00L00000000 & Imm5 | Rd : = 0 & (Ra >> Imm5) | |
BSRAI Rd,Ra,Imm | 011001 | Rd | Ra | 00L00010000 & Imm5 | Rd := s(Ra >> Imm5) | |
BSLLI Rd,Ra,Imm | 011001 | Rd | Ra | 00L00100000 & Imm5 | Rd := (Ra << Imm5) & 0 | |
BSEFI Rd,Ra, ImmW,ImmS |
011001 | Rd | Ra |
01L00 & ImmW & 0 & ImmS |
Rd[0:31-ImmW] := 0 Rd[32-ImmW:31] := (Ra >> ImmS) |
BSIFI Rd,Ra, Width,ImmS |
011001 | Rd | Ra |
10L00 & ImmW & 0 & ImmS |
M := (0xffffffff << (ImmW + 1)) xor (0xffffffff << ImmS) Rd := ((Ra << ImmS) and M) xor (Rd and M) ImmW := ImmS + Width - 1 |
ADDLI Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 00000 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) + Rd[0:63] | |
RSUBLI Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 00001 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) + Rd[0:63] | |
ADDLIC Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 00010 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) + Rd[0:63] + C | |
RSUBLIC Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 00011 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) + Rd[0:63] + C | |
ADDLIK Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 00100 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) + Rd[0:63] | |
RSUBLIK Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 00101 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) + Rd[0:63] | |
ADDLIKC Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 00110 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) +Rd[0:63] + C | |
RSUBLIKC Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 00111 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) + Rd[0:63] + C | |
ORLI Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 10000 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) or Rd[0:63] | |
ANDLI Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 10001 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) and Rd[0:63] | |
XORLI Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 10010 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) xor Rd[0:63] | |
ANDNLI Rd,Imm2 | 011010 | Rd | 10011 | Imm | Rd[0:63] := s(Imm) and Rd[0:63] | |
TNEAGET Rd,FSLx | 011011 | Rd | 00000 | 0N0TAE000000 & FSLx |
Rd := FSLx (data read, blocking if N = 0) MSR[FSL] := 1 if (FSLx_S_Control = 1) MSR[C] := not FSLx_S_Exists if N = 1 |
TNAPUT Ra,FSLx | 011011 | 00000 | Ra | 1N0TA0000000 & FSLx |
FSLx := Ra (data write, block if N = 0) MSR[C] := FSLx_M_Full if N = 1 |
TNECAGET Rd,FSLx | 011011 | Rd | 00000 | 0N1TAE000000 & FSLx |
Rd := FSLx (control read, block if N = 0) MSR[FSL] := 1 if (FSLx_S_Control = 0) MSR[C] := not FSLx_S_Exists if N = 1 |
TNCAPUT Ra,FSLx | 011011 | 00000 | Ra | 1N1TA0000000 & FSLx |
FSLx := Ra (control write, block if N = 0) MSR[C] := FSLx_M_Full if N = 1 |
OR Rd,Ra,Rb | 100000 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | Rd := Ra or Rb |
PCMPBF Rd,Ra,Rb | 100000 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10000000000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb[0:7] = Ra[0:7]) else Rd := 2 if (Rb[8:15] = Ra[8:15]) else Rd := 3 if (Rb[16:23] = Ra[16:23]) else Rd := 4 if (Rb[24:31] = Ra[24:31]) else Rd := 0 |
AND Rd,Ra,Rb | 100001 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | Rd := Ra and Rb |
XOR Rd,Ra,Rb | 100010 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | Rd := Ra xor Rb |
PCMPEQ Rd,Ra,Rb | 100010 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10000000000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb = Ra) else Rd := 0 |
ANDN Rd,Ra,Rb | 100011 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | Rd := Ra and Rb |
PCMPNE Rd,Ra,Rb | 100011 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10000000000 |
Rd := 1 if (Rb != Ra) else Rd := 0 |
SRA Rd,Ra | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000000000001 |
Rd := s(Ra >> 1) C := Ra[31] |
SRC Rd,Ra | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000000100001 |
Rd := C & (Ra >> 1) C := Ra[31] |
SRL Rd,Ra | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000001000001 |
Rd := 0 & (Ra >> 1) C := Ra[31] |
SEXT8 Rd,Ra | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000001100000 | Rd := s(Ra[24:31]) | |
SEXT16 Rd,Ra | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000001100001 | Rd := s(Ra[16:31]) | |
SEXTL32 Rd,Ra2 | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000001100010 | Rd := s(Ra[32:63]) | |
CLZ Rd, Ra | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000011100000 | Rd = clz(Ra) | |
SWAPB Rd, Ra | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000111100000 | Rd = (Ra)[24:31, 16:23, 8:15, 0:7] | |
SWAPH Rd, Ra | 100100 | Rd | Ra | 0000000111100010 | Rd = (Ra)[16:31, 0:15] | |
WIC Ra,Rb | 100100 | 00000 | Ra | Rb | 00001101000 |
ICache_Line[Ra >> 4].Tag := 0 if (C_ICACHE_LINE_LEN = 4) ICache_Line[Ra >> 5].Tag := 0 if (C_ICACHE_LINE_LEN = 8) ICache_Line[Ra >> 6].Tag := 0 if (C_ICACHE_LINE_LEN = 16) |
WDC Ra,Rb | 100100 | 00000 | Ra | Rb | 00001100100 |
Cache line is cleared, discarding stored data.
WDC.FLUSH Ra,Rb | 100100 | 00000 | Ra | Rb | 00001110100 | Cache line is flushed, writing stored data to memory, and
then cleared. Used when C_DCACHE_USE_WRITEBACK =
1 . |
WDC.CLEAR Ra,Rb | 100100 | 00000 | Ra | Rb | 00001100110 | Cache line with matching address is cleared, discarding
stored data. Used when C_DCACHE_USE_WRITEBACK =
1 . |
WDC.CLEAR.EA Ra,Rb | 100100 | 00000 | Ra | Rb | 00011100110 | Cache line with matching extended address Ra & Rb is
cleared. Used when C_DCACHE_USE_WRITEBACK =
1 . |
MTS Sd,Ra | 100101 | 00000 | Ra | 11 & Sd |
SPR[Sd] := Ra, where:
MTSE Sd,Ra | 100101 | 01000 | Ra | 11 & Sd |
SPR[Sd} := Ra, where:
MFS Rd,Sa | 100101 | Rd | 00000 | 10 & Sa |
Rd := SPR[Sa], where:
MFSE Rd,Sa | 100101 | Rd | 01000 | 10 & Sa |
Rd := SPR[Sa][MSH], where:
MSRCLR Rd,Imm | 100101 | Rd | 10001 | 0 & Imm15 |
Rd := MSR MSR := MSR and Imm15 |
MSRSET Rd,Imm | 100101 | Rd | 10000 | 0 & Imm15 |
Rd := MSR MSR := MSR or Imm15 |
BR Rb | 100110 | 00000 | 00000 | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb |
BRD Rb | 100110 | 00000 | 10000 | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb |
BRLD Rd,Rb | 100110 | Rd | 10100 | Rb | 00000000000 |
PC := PC + Rb Rd := PC |
BRA Rb | 100110 | 00000 | 01000 | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := Rb |
BRAD Rb | 100110 | 00000 | 11000 | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := Rb |
BRALD Rd,Rb | 100110 | Rd | 11100 | Rb | 00000000000 |
PC := Rb Rd := PC |
BRK Rd,Rb | 100110 | Rd | 01100 | Rb | 00000000000 |
PC := Rb Rd := PC MSR[BIP] := 1 |
BEQ Ra,Rb | 100111 | 0L000 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra = 0 |
BNE Ra,Rb | 100111 | 0L001 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra != 0 |
BLT Ra,Rb | 100111 | 0L010 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra < 0 |
BLE Ra,Rb | 100111 | 0L011 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra <= 0 |
BGT Ra,Rb | 100111 | 0L100 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra > 0 |
BGE Ra,Rb | 100111 | 0L101 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra >= 0 |
BEQD Ra,Rb | 100111 | 1L000 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra = 0 |
BNED Ra,Rb | 100111 | 1L001 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra != 0 |
BLTD Ra,Rb | 100111 | 1L010 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra < 0 |
BLED Ra,Rb | 100111 | 1L011 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra <= 0 |
BGTD Ra,Rb | 100111 | 1L100 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra > 0 |
BGED Ra,Rb | 100111 | 1L101 | Ra | Rb | 00000000000 | PC := PC + Rb if Ra >= 0 |
ORI Rd,Ra,Imm | 101000 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := Ra or s(Imm) | |
ANDI Rd,Ra,Imm | 101001 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := Ra and s(Imm) | |
XORI Rd,Ra,Imm | 101010 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := Ra xor s(Imm) | |
ANDNI Rd,Ra,Imm | 101011 | Rd | Ra | Imm | Rd := Ra and s(Imm) | |
IMM Imm | 101100 | 00000 | 00000 | Imm | Imm[0:15] := Imm | |
IMML Imm242 | 101100 | 10 | Imm24 | Imm[24:47] := Imm24 | ||
RTSD Ra,Imm | 101101 | 10000 | Ra | Imm | PC := Ra + s(Imm) | |
RTID Ra,Imm | 101101 | 10001 | Ra | Imm |
PC := Ra + s(Imm) MSR[IE] := 1 |
RTBD Ra,Imm | 101101 | 10010 | Ra | Imm |
PC := Ra + s(Imm) MSR[BIP] := 0 |
RTED Ra,Imm | 101101 | 10100 | Ra | Imm |
PC := Ra + s(Imm) MSR[EE] := 1, MSR[EIP] := 0 ESR := 0 |
BRI Imm | 101110 | 00000 | 00000 | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) | |
MBAR Imm | 101110 | Imm | 00010 | 0000000000000100 | PC := PC + 4; Wait for memory accesses. | |
BRID Imm | 101110 | 00000 | 10000 | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) | |
BRLID Rd,Imm | 101110 | Rd | 10100 | Imm |
PC := PC + s(Imm) Rd := PC |
BRAI Imm | 101110 | 00000 | 01000 | Imm | PC := s(Imm) | |
BRAID Imm | 101110 | 00000 | 11000 | Imm | PC := s(Imm) | |
BRALID Rd,Imm | 101110 | Rd | 11100 | Imm |
PC := s(Imm) Rd := PC |
BRKI Rd,Imm | 101110 | Rd | 01100 | Imm |
PC := s(Imm) Rd := PC MSR[BIP] := 1 |
BEQI Ra,Imm | 101111 | 0L000 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra = 0 | |
BNEI Ra,Imm | 101111 | 0L001 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra != 0 | |
BLTI Ra,Imm | 101111 | 0L010 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra < 0 | |
BLEI Ra,Imm | 101111 | 0L011 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra <= 0 | |
BGTI Ra,Imm | 101111 | 0L100 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra > 0 | |
BGEI Ra,Imm | 101111 | 0L101 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra >= 0 | |
BEQID Ra,Imm | 101111 | 1L000 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra = 0 | |
BNEID Ra,Imm | 101111 | 1L001 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra != 0 | |
BLTID Ra,Imm | 101111 | 1L010 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra < 0 | |
BLEID Ra,Imm | 101111 | 1L011 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra <= 0 | |
BGTID Ra,Imm | 101111 | 1L100 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra > 0 | |
BGEID Ra,Imm | 101111 | 1L101 | Ra | Imm | PC := PC + s(Imm) if Ra >= 0 | |
LBU Rd,Ra,Rb LBUR Rd,Ra,Rb |
110000 | Rd | Ra | Rb |
00000000000 01000000000 |
Addr := Ra + Rb Rd[0:23] := 0 Rd[24:31] := *Addr[0:7] |
LBUEA Rd,Ra,Rb | 110000 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00010000000 |
Addr := Ra & Rb Rd[0:23] := 0 Rd[24:31] := *Addr[0:7] |
LHU Rd,Ra,Rb LHUR Rd,Ra,Rb |
110001 | Rd | Ra | Rb |
00000000000 01000000000 |
Addr := Ra + Rb Rd[0:15] := 0 Rd[16:31] := *Addr[0:15] |
LHUEA Rd,Ra,Rb | 110001 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00010000000 |
Addr := Ra & Rb Rd[0:15] := 0 Rd[16:31] := *Addr[0:15] |
LW Rd,Ra,Rb LWR Rd,Ra,Rb |
110010 | Rd | Ra | Rb |
00000000000 01000000000 |
Addr := Ra + Rb Rd := *Addr |
LWX Rd,Ra,Rb | 110010 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10000000000 |
Addr := Ra + Rb Rd := *Addr Reservation := 1 |
LWEA Rd,Ra,Rb | 110010 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00010000000 |
Addr := Ra & Rb Rd := *Addr |
LL Rd,Ra,Rb2LLR Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 110010 | Rd | Ra | Rb |
00100000000 01100000000 |
Addr := Ra[0:63] + Rb[0:63] Rd[0:63] := *Addr[0:63] |
SB Rd,Ra,Rb SBR Rd,Ra,Rb |
110100 | Rd | Ra | Rb |
00000000000 01000000000 |
Addr := Ra + Rb *Addr[0:8] := Rd[24:31] |
SBEA Rd,Ra,Rb | 110100 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00010000000 |
Addr := Ra & Rb *Addr[0:8] := Rd[24:31] |
SH Rd,Ra,Rb SHR Rd,Ra,Rb |
110101 | Rd | Ra | Rb |
00000000000 01000000000 |
Addr := Ra + Rb *Addr[0:16] := Rd[16:31] |
SHEA Rd,Ra,Rb | 110101 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00010000000 |
Addr := Ra & Rb *Addr[0:16] := Rd[16:31] |
SW Rd,Ra,Rb SWR Rd,Ra,Rb |
110110 | Rd | Ra | Rb |
00000000000 01000000000 |
Addr := Ra + Rb *Addr := Rd |
SWX Rd,Ra,Rb | 110110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 10000000000 |
Addr := Ra + Rb *Addr := Rd if Reservation = 1 Reservation := 0 |
SWEA Rd,Ra,Rb | 110110 | Rd | Ra | Rb | 00010000000 |
Addr := Ra & Rb *Addr := Rd |
SL Rd,Ra,Rb2SLR Rd,Ra,Rb2 | 110110 | Rd | Ra | Rb |
00100000000 01100000000 |
Addr := Ra[0:63] + Rb[0:63] *Addr[0:63] := Rd[0:63] |
LBUI Rd,Ra,Imm | 111000 | Rd | Ra | Imm |
Addr := Ra + s(Imm) Rd[0:23] := 0 Rd[24:31] := *Addr[0:7] |
LHUI Rd,Ra,Imm | 111001 | Rd | Ra | Imm |
Addr := Ra + s(Imm) Rd[0:15] := 0 Rd[16:31] := *Addr[0:15] |
LWI Rd,Ra,Imm | 111010 | Rd | Ra | Imm |
Addr := Ra + s(Imm) Rd := *Addr |
LLI Rd,Ra,Imm2 | 111011 | Rd | Ra | Imm |
Addr := Ra[0:63] + s(Imm) Rd[0:63] := *Addr[0:63] |
SBI Rd,Ra,Imm | 111100 | Rd | Ra | Imm |
Addr := Ra + s(Imm) *Addr[0:7] := Rd[24:31] |
SHI Rd,Ra,Imm | 111101 | Rd | Ra | Imm |
Addr := Ra + s(Imm) *Addr[0:15] := Rd[16:31] |
SWI Rd,Ra,Imm | 111110 | Rd | Ra | Imm |
Addr := Ra + s(Imm) *Addr := Rd |
SLI Rd,Ra,Imm2 | 111111 | Rd | Ra | Imm |
Addr := Ra[0:63] + s(Imm) *Addr[0:63] := Rd[0:63] |