Hello World
In this example, you will run the PG API in the learning mode where you can type the commands in the MATLABĀ® command shell.
- To start a new learning session, in MATLAB command console, run:
. - Type the following three commands in MATLAB command console to create a new Subsystem named '
' inside a new model named 'untitled'
.[a, b] = xInport('a', 'b'); s = xOutport('s'); adder = xBlock('AddSub', struct('latency', 1), {a, b}, {s});
Figure 1. Subsystem Example
The above commands create the Subsystem with two Simulink Inports a
, an adder block having a latency of one, and a Simulink Outport
. The two Inports source the adder which in turn sources the
Subsystem outport. The AddSub
parameter refers to the AddSub block
inside the xbsIndex_r4 library. By default, if the full block
path is not specified, xBlock
will search xbsIndex_r4
and built-in libraries in turn. The library must be loaded before using
. So please use load_system
to load the
library before invoking xBlock
in the MATLAB console, System Generator will print a
brief description of the adder block to the MATLAB console and the block is highlighted
in the Simulink diagram. Similarly, you can type a
, and s
highlight Subsystem Inports and Outports.MACC
- Run this example in the learning mode. To start a new learning session, run:
. - Type the following commands in the MATLAB console window to create a
multiply-accumulate function in a new Subsystem.
[a, b] = xInport('a', 'b'); mac = xOutport('mac'); m = xSignal; mult = xBlock('Mult', struct('latency', 0, 'use_behavioral_HDL', 'on'), {a, b}, {m}); acc = xBlock('Accumulator', struct('rst', 'off', 'use_behavioral_HDL', 'on'), {m}, {mac});
By directing System Generator to generate behavioral HDL, the two blocks should be packed into a single DSP48 block. As of this writing, Vivado synthesis only does so if you force the multiplier block to be combinational.
. Otherwise, a new model, untitled
, is created for this example.
mult_ins = mult.getInSignals
src_a = mult_ins{1}.getSrc
m_dst = m.getDst
MACC in a Masked Subsystem
If you want a particular Subsystem to be generated by the PG API and pass parameters from the
mask parameters of that Subsystem to PG API, you need to run the PG API in
production mode, where you need to have a physical M-function file and pass
that function to the xBlock
- First create the top-level PG API M-function file
with the following lines.function MACC_sub(latency, nbits) [a, b] = xInport('a', 'b'); mac = xOutport('mac'); if latency <= 0 error('latency must be positive'); elseif latency == 1 a_in = a; b_in = b; else [a_in, b_in] = xSignal; dblock1 = xBlock('Delay', struct('latency', latency - 1, 'reg_retiming', 'on'), {a}, {a_in}); block2 = xBlock('Delay', struct('latency', latency - 1, 'reg_retiming', 'on'), {b}, {b_in}); end m = xSignal; mult = xBlock('Mult', struct('latency', 0, 'use_behavioral_HDL', 'on'), {a_in, b_in}, {m}); acc = xBlock('Accumulator', struct('rst', 'off', 'n_bits', nbits, 'use_behavioral_HDL', 'on'), {m}, {mac});
Figure 3. Top-Level PG API M-Function File - To mask the Subsystem defined by the script, add two mask parameters
latency and nbits. Figure 4. Adding Latency Parameter
- Then put the following lines to the mask initialization of the
config.source = str2func('MACC_sub'); config.toplevel = gcb; xBlock(config, {latency, nbits});
In the production mode, the first argument of the
constructor is a MATLAB struct for configuration, which must have a source field and a toplevel field. The source field is a function pointer pointing to the M-function and the toplevel is a string specifying the Simulink Subsystem. If the top-level field is 1, an untitled model is created and a Subsystem inside that model is created.Figure 5. Adding nbits ParameterAlternatively you can use the MATLAB struct call to create the toplevel configuration:
xBlock(struct('source', str2func(MACC_sub), 'toplevel', gcb),{latency, nbits});
Then click OK.
You'll get the following Subsystem.
Figure 6. Creating Toplevel Configuration - Set the mask parameters as shown in the following figure, then click
OK: Figure 7. Adding Mask Parameters
The following diagram is generated:
Figure 8. Generated Diagram
in the MATLAB editor to
debug the function. By default the xBlock
will do an auto layout in the end. If you want to see the auto layout every time a block
is added, invoke the toplevel xBlock
as the
config.source = str2func('MACC_sub');
config.toplevel = gcb;
config.debug = 1;
xBlock(config, {latency, nbits});
By setting the debug field of the configuration struct to be 1, you run the PG API in debug mode where every action will trigger an auto layout.
constructor has a caching mechanism. You can specify the list of dependent files in a
cell array, and set the depend
field of the toplevel
configuration with this list. If any file in the 'depend' list is changed, or the
argument list that passed to the toplevel function is changed, the Subsystem is
re-generated. If you want to have the caching capability for the MACC_sub, invoke the
toplevel xBlock as the following:
config.source = str2func('MACC_sub');
config.toplevel = gcb;
config.depend = {'MACC_sub.m'};
xBlock(config, {latency, nbits});
The depend field of the configuration struct is a cell array. Each element of the array is a file
name. You can put a p-file name or an M-file name. You can also put a name without a
suffix. The xBlock
will use the first in the path.