Interleaver/De-interleaver 8.0 - 2020.2 English - UG958

Vivado Design Suite Reference Guide: Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator (UG958)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

This block is listed in the following Xilinx® Blockset libraries: AXI, Communication, and Index.

Note: This block goes into the FPGA fabric and is a Licensed Core. Please visit the Xilinx web site to purchase the appropriate core license.

The Xilinx Interleaver Deinterleaver block implements an interleaver or a deinterleaver using an AXI4-compliant block interface. An interleaver is a device that rearranges the order of a sequence of input symbols. The term symbol is used to describe a collection of bits. In some applications, a symbol is a single bit. In others, a symbol is a bus.

The classic use of interleaving is to randomize the location of errors introduced in signal transmission. Interleaving spreads a burst of errors out so that error correction circuits have a better chance of correcting the data.

If a particular interleaver is used at the transmit end of a channel, the inverse of that interleaver must be used at the receive end to recover the original data. The inverse interleaver is referred to as a de-interleaver.

Two types of interleaver/de-interleavers can be generated with this LogiCORE™ : Forney Convolutional and Rectangular Block. Although they both perform the general interleaving function of rearranging symbols, the way in which the symbols are rearranged and their methods of operation are entirely different. For very large interleavers, it might be preferable to store the data symbols in external memory. The core provides an option to store data symbols in internal FPGA RAM or in external RAM.

Forney Convolutional Operation

The figure below, shows the operation of a Forney Convolutional Interleaver. The core operates as a series of delay line shift registers. Input symbols are presented to the input commutator arm on DIN. Output symbols are extracted from the output commutator arm on DOUT. DIN and DOUT are fields in the AXI Data Input and Data Output channels, respectively. Output symbols are extracted from the output commutator arm on DOUT. Both commutator arms start at branch 0 and advance to the next branch after the next rising clock edge. After the last branch (B-1) has been reached, the commutator arms both rotate back to branch 0 and the process is repeated.

Figure 1. Interleaver

In the figure above, the branches increase in length by a uniform amount, L. The core allows interleavers to be specified in this way, or the branch lengths can be passed in using a file, allowing each branch to be any length.

Although branch 0 appears to be a zero-delay connection, there will still be a delay of a number of clock cycles between DIN and DOUT because of the fundamental latency of the core. For clarity, this is not illustrated in the figure.

The only difference between an interleaver and a de-interleaver is that branch 0 is the longest in the de-interleaver and the branch length is decremented by L rather than incremented. Branch (B-1) has length 0. This is illustrated in the figure below:

Figure 2. De-interleaver

If a file is used to specify the branch lengths, as shown below, it is arbitrary whether the resulting core is called an interleaver or de-interleaver. All that matters is that one must be the inverse of the other. If a file is used, each branch length is individually controllable. This is illustrated in the figure below. For the file syntax, please consult the LogiCORE product specification.

Figure 3. Interleaver/De-Interleaver

The reset pin (aresetn) sets the commutator arms to branch 0, but does not clear the branches of data.

Configuration Swapping

It is possible for the core to store a number of pre-defined configurations. Each configuration can have a different number of branches and branch length constant. It is even possible for each configuration to have every individual branch length defined by file.

The configuration can be changed at any time by sending a new CONFIG_SEL value on the AXI Control Channel. This value takes effect when the next block starts. The core assumes all configurations are either for an interleaver or de-interleaver, depending on what was selected in the GUI. It is possible to switch between interleaving and de-interleaving by defining the individual branch lengths for every branch of each configuration. The details for each configuration are specified in a COE file.

For details, please consult the Configuration Swapping section of the Interleaver/De-Interleaver LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG049).

Rectangular Block Operation

The Rectangular Block Interleaver works by writing the input data symbols into a rectangular memory array in a certain order and then reading them out in a different, mixed-up order. The input symbols must be grouped into blocks. Unlike the Convolutional Interleaver, where symbols can be continuously input, the Rectangular Block Interleaver inputs one block of symbols and then outputs that same block with the symbols rearranged. No new inputs can be accepted while the interleaved symbols from the previous block are being output.

The rectangular memory array is composed of a number of rows and columns as shown in the following figure.

Row\Column 0 1 ... (C-2) (C-1)

The Rectangular Block Interleaver operates as follows:

  1. All the input symbols in an entire block are written row-wise, left to right, starting with the top row.
  2. Inter-row permutations are performed if required.
  3. Inter-column permutations are performed if required.
  4. The entire block is read column-wise, top to bottom, starting with the left column.

The Rectangular Block De-interleaver operates in the reverse way:

  1. All the input symbols in an entire block are written column-wise, top to bottom, starting with the left column.
  2. Inter-row permutations are performed if required.
  3. Inter-column permutations are performed if required.
  4. The entire block is read row-wise, left to right, starting with the top row.

Refer to the Interleaver/De-Interleaver LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG049) for examples and more detailed information on the Rectangular Block Interleaver.

AXI Interface

The AXI SID v7.1 has the following interfaces:

  • A non AXI-channel interface for ACLK, ACLKEN and ARESETn
  • A non AXI-channel interface for external memory (if enabled)
  • A non AXI-channel interface for miscellaneous events
    • event_tlast_unexpected
    • event_tlast_missing (available only in Rectangular mode)
    • event_halted (optional, available when Master channel TREADY is enabled)
    • event_col_valid (optional)
    • event_col_sel_valid (optional)
    • event_row_valid (optional)
    • event_row_sel_valid (optional)
    • event_block_size_valid (optional)
  • An AXI slave channel to receive configuration information (s_axis_ctrl) consisting of:
    • s_axis_ctrl_tvalid
    • s_axis_ctrl_tready
    • s_axis_ctrl_tdata

    The control channel is only enabled when the core is configured in such a way to require it.

  • An AXI slave channel to receive the data to be interleaved (s_axis_data) consisting of:
    • s_axis_data_tvalid (This is the equivalent of ND pin of SID v6.0 block; No longer optional)
    • s_axis_data_tready
    • s_axis_data_tdata
    • s_axis_data_tlast
  • An AXI master channel to send the data that has been interleaved (m_axis_data) consisting of:
    • m_axis_data_tvalid
    • m_axis_data_tready
    • m_axis_data_tdata
    • m_axis_data_tuser
    • m_axis_data_tlast

AXI Ports that are Unique to this Block

This System Generator block exposes the AXI Control and Data channels as a group of separate ports based on the following sub-field names.

Note: Refer to the document LogiCORE IP Interleaver/De-interleaver v8.0 for an explanation of the bits in the specified sub-field name.
Control Channel Input Signals

A sub-field port that represents the CONFIG_SEL field in the Control Channel vector. Available when in Forney mode and Number of configurations is greater than one.


A sub-field port that represents the ROW field in the Control Channel vector. Available when in Rectangular mode and Row type is Variable.


A sub-field port that represents the ROW_SEL field in the Control Channel vector. Available when in Rectangular mode and Row type is Selectable.

A sub-field port that represents the COL field in the Control Channel vector. Available when in Rectangular mode and Column type is Variable.

A sub-field port that represents the COL_SEL field in the Control Channel vector. Available when in Rectangular mode and Column type is Selectable.

A sub-field port that represents the COL field in the Control Channel vector. Available when in Rectangular mode and Block Size type is Variable.
DATA Channel Input Signals

Represents the DIN field of the Input Data Channel.

DATA Channel Output Signals

Represents the DOUT field of the Output Data Channel.

TUSER Channel Output Signals
Represents the FDO field of the Output TUSER Channel. Available when in Forney mode and Optional FDO pin has been selected on the GUI.
Represents the RDY field of the Output TUSER Channel. Available when in Forney mode and Optional RDY pin has been selected on the GUI.
Represents the BLOCK_START field of the Output TUSER Channel. Available when in Rectangular mode and Optional BLOCK_START pin has been selected on the GUI.
Represents the BLOCK_END field of the Output TUSER Channel. Available when in Rectangular mode and Optional BLOCK_END pin has been selected on the GUI.

Block Parameters

The block parameters dialog box can be invoked by double-clicking the icon in your Simulink model.

Basic tab
Parameters specific to the Basic Parameters tab are as follows.
Memory Style
Select Distributed if all the Block Memories are required elsewhere in the design; select Block to use Block Memory where ever possible; select Automatic and let System Generator use the most appropriate style of memory for each case, based on the required memory depth.
Symbol Width
This is the number of bits in the symbols to be processed.
Select Forney Convolutional or Rectangular Block.
Select Interleaver or Deinterleaver
Symbol memory
Specifies whether or not the data symbols are stored in Internal FPGA RAM or in External RAM.
Forney tab
Parameters specific to the Forney Parameters tab are as follows.
Number of branches
1 to 256 (inclusive)
Look-up table ROMs are used to compute some of the internal results in the block.
Logic circuits are used to compute some of the internal results in the block.

Which option is best depends on the other core parameters. You should try both options to determine the best results. This parameter has no effect on the block behavior.

Number of configurations
If greater than 1, the block is generated with CONFIG_SEL and NEW_CONFIG inputs. The parameters for each configuration are defined in a COE file. The number of parameters defined must exactly match the number of configurations specified.
Length of Branches
Branch length descriptions for Forney SID.
Specified by the Value parameter.
Location of file is specified by the COE File parameter.
Location of file is specified by the COE File parameter.
Location of file is specified by the COE File parameter.
1 to MAX (inclusive). MAX depends on the number of branches and size of block input. Branch length must be an array of either length one or number of branches. If the array size is one, the value is used as a constant difference between consecutive branches. Otherwise, each branch has a unique length.
COE File
The branch lengths are specified from a file
Rectangular Parameters #1 Tab
Parameters specific to the Rectangular Parameters #1 tab are as follows.
Number of Rows
This parameter is relevant only when the Constant row type is selected. The number of rows is fixed at this value.
Row Port Width
This parameter is relevant only when the Variable row type is selected. It sets the width of the ROW input bus. The smallest possible value should be used to keep the underlying LogiCORE as small as possible.
Minimum Number of Rows
This parameter is relevant only when the Variable row type is selected. In this case, the core has to potentially cope with a wide range of possible values for the number of rows. If the smallest value that will actually occur is known, then the amount of logic in the LogiCORE can sometimes be reduced. The largest possible value should be used for this parameter to keep the core as small as possible.
Number of Values
This parameter is relevant only when you select the Selectable row type. This parameter defines how many valid selection values have been defined in the COE file. You should only add the number of select values you need.
Row Type
The number of rows is always equal to the Row Constant Value parameter.
The number of rows is sampled from the ROW input at the start of each new block. Row permutations are not supported for the variable row type.
ROW_SEL is sampled at the start of each new block. This value is then used to select from one of the possible values for the number of rows provided in the COE file.
Number of Columns
This parameter is relevant only when you select the Constant column type is selected. The number of columns is fixed at this value.
COL Port Width
This parameter is relevant only when you select the Variable column type. It sets the width of the COL input bus. The smallest possible value should be used to keep the underlying LogiCORE™ as small as possible.
Minimum Number of Columns
This parameter is relevant only when you select the Variable column type is selected. In this case, the core has to potentially cope with a wide range of possible values for the number of columns. If the smallest value that will actually occur is known, then the amount of logic in the LogiCORE can sometimes be reduced. The largest possible value should be used for this parameter to keep the core as small as possible.
Number of Values
This parameter is relevant only when you select the Selectable column type. This parameter defines how many valid selection values have been defined in the COE file. You should only add the number of select values you need.
Column Type
The number of columns is always equal to the Column Constant Value parameter.
The number of columns is sampled from the COL input at the start of each new block. Column permutations are not supported for the variable column type.
COL_SEL is sampled at the start of each new block. This value is then used to select from one of the possible values for the number of columns provided in the COE file.
Rectangular Parameters #2 Tab
Parameters specific to the Rectangular Parameters #2 tab are as follows.
Permutations Configuration
Row permutations
This tells System Generator that row permutations are not to be performed.
Use COE file
This tells System Generator that a row permute vector exists in the COE file, and that row permutations are to be performed. Remember this is possible only for un-pruned interleaver/deinterleavers.
Column permutations
This tells System Generator that column permutations are not to be performed
Use COE file
This tells System Generator that a column permute vector exists in the COE file, and that column permutations are to be performed. Remember this is possible only for un-pruned interleaver/deinterleavers.
COE File
Specify the pathname to the COE file.
Block Size
This parameter is relevant only when you select the Constant block size type. The block size is fixed at this value.
This parameter is relevant only if the Variable block size type is selected. It sets the width of the BLOCK_SIZE input bus. The smallest possible value should be used to keep the core as small as possible.
Block Size Type
The block size never changes. The block can be pruned (block size < row * col). The block size must be chosen so that the last symbol is on the last row. An un-pruned interleaver will use a smaller quantity of FPGA resources than a pruned one, so pruning should be used only if necessary.

If the number of rows and columns is constant, selecting this option has the same effect as setting the block size type to constant and entering a value of rows * columns for the block size.

If the number of rows or columns is not constant, selecting this option means the core will calculate the block size automatically whenever a new row or column value is sampled. Pruning is impossible with this block size type.


Block size is sampled from the BLOCK_SIZE input at the beginning of every block. The value sampled on BLOCK_SIZE must be such that the last symbol falls on the last row, as previously described.

If the block size is already available external to the core, selecting this option is usually more efficient than selecting “rows * columns” for the block size type. Row and column permutations are not supported for the Variable block size type.

Port Parameters #1 tab
Parameters specific to the Port Parameters tab are as follows.
Control Signals
When ACLKEN is de-asserted (Low), all the synchronous inputs are ignored and the block remains in its current state.
ARESETn (Active-Low).
The Active-Low synchronous clear input always takes priority over ACLKEN.
Status Signals
This optional output is available when a variable number of columns is selected. If an illegal value is sampled on the s_axis_ctrl_tdata_col input, event_col_valid will go Low a predefined number of clock cycles later.
This optional output (event_col_sel_valid) is available when a selectable number of columns is chosen. The event pins are event_col_valid, event_col_sel_valid, event_row_valid, event_row_sel_valid, event_block_size_valid (in the same order as in the options on the GUI).
This optional output is available when a selectable number of rows is chosen.
This optional output is available when a selectable number of rows is chosen.
This optional output is available when the block size is not constant, that is, if the block size type is either Variable or equal to Rows * Columns.
Port Parameters #2 tab
Parameters specific to the Port Parameters #2 tab are as follows.
Data Output Channel Options
TREADY for the Data Input Channel. Used by the Symbol Interleaver/De-interleaver to signal that it is ready to accept data.
Adds a data_tuser_fdo (First Data Out) output port.
Adds a data_tuser_rdy output port.
Adds a data_tuser_block_start output port.
Adds a data_tuser_block_end output port.
Pipelines the underlying LogiCORE for Minimum, Medium, or Maximum performance.

Other parameters used by this block are explained in the topic Common Options in Block Parameter Dialog Boxes.