This block is listed in the following Xilinx® Blockset libraries: Index, DSP, and Math.
The System Generator DSP macro block provides a device independent abstraction of the DSP48E1, DSP48E2, and DSP58 blocks. Using this block instead of using a technology-specific DSP slice helps makes the design more portable between Xilinx technologies.
The DSP Macro provides a simplified interface to the XtremeDSP slice by the abstraction of all opmode, subtract, alumode, and inmode controls to a single SEL port. Further, all CE and RST controls are grouped to a single CE and SCLR port respectively. This abstraction enhances portability of HDL between device families.
You can specify 1 to 64 instructions which are translated into the various control signals for the XtremeDSP slice of the target device. The instructions are stored in a ROM from which the appropriate instruction is selected using the SEL port.
Block Parameters
- Instruction tab
The Instruction tab is used to define the operations that the LogiCORE™ is to implement. Each instruction can be entered on a new line, or in a comma delimited list, and are enumerated from the top down. You can specify a maximum of 64 instructions.
Refer to the topic Instructions page of the LogiCORE IP DSP Macro 1.0 Product Guide for details on all the parameters on this tab.
- Pipeline Options tab
The Pipeline Options tab is used to define the pipeline depth of the various input paths.
- Pipeline Options
Specifies the pipeline method to be used; Automatic, By Tier, or Expert.
- Custom Pipeline options
Used to specify the pipeline depth of the various input paths.
- Tier 1 to 6
- When By Tier is
selected for Pipeline Options these parameters are used to enable/disable
the registers across all the input paths for a given pipeline stage. The
following restrictions are enforced:
- When P has been specified in an expression tier, 6 will be forced as asynchronous feedback is not supported.
- Individual registers
When you select Expert for the Pipeline Options, these parameters are used to enable/disable individual register stages. The following restrictions are enforced:
- The P register is forced when P is specified in an expression. Asynchronous feedback is not supported.
Refer to the topic Detailed Pipeline Implementation of the LogiCORE IP DSP Macro v1.0 Product Guide for details on all the parameters on this tab.
- Implementation tab
The Implementation tab is used to define implementation options.
- Output Port Properties
- Precision
- Specifies the precision of the P output port.
- Full
- The bit width of the output port P is set to the full XtremeDSP Slide width of 48 bits.
- User_Defined
- The output width of P can be set to any value up to 48 bits. When set to less than 48 bits, the output is truncated (LSBs removed).
- Width
- Specifies the User Defined output width of the P output port
- Binary Point
- Specifies the placement of the binary point of the P output port.
- Additional ports
- Use the optional cascade A output port.
- Use the optional carryout output port.
- Use the optional cascade B output port.
- Use the optional cascade carryout output port.
- Use the optional cascade P output port.
- Control ports
Refer to the topic Implementation Page of the LogiCORE IP DSP Macro v1.0 Product Guide for details on all the parameters on this tab.