Clock Enable Probe - 2020.2 English - UG958

Vivado Design Suite Reference Guide: Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator (UG958)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

This block is listed in the following Xilinx® Blockset libraries: Basic Elements and Index.

The Xilinx Clock Enable (CE) Probe provides a mechanism for extracting derived clock enable signals from Xilinx signals in System Generator models.

The probe accepts any Xilinx signal type as input, and produces a Bool output signal. The Bool output can be used at any point in the design where Bools are acceptable. The probe output is a cyclical pulse that mimics the behavior of an ideal clock enable signal used in the hardware implementation of a multirate circuit. The frequency of the pulse is derived from the input signal's sample period. The enable pulse is asserted at the end of the input signal's sample period for the duration of one Simulink® system period. For signals with a sample period equal to the Simulink system period, the block's output is always one.

Shown below is an example model with an attached analysis scope that demonstrates the usage and behavior of the Clock Enable Probe. The Simulink system sample period for the model is specified in the System Generator token as 1.0 seconds. In addition to the Simulink system period, the model has three other sample periods defined by the Down Sample blocks. Clock Enable Probes are placed after each Down Sample block and extract the derived clock enable signal. The probe outputs are run to output gateways and then to the scope for analysis. Also included in the model is CLK probe that produces a Double representation of the hardware system clock. The scope output shows the output from the four Clock Enable probes in addition to the CLK probe output.

Figure 1. Example Model with Attached Analysis Scope
Figure 2. Analysis Scope Output


Use clock enable signal without Multi-Cycle path constraints
Used to disable multi-cycle path constraints on the generated signal from the Clock Enable Probe block. This is typically applied when the signal bring generated is used as separate timing signal that is not clock-enable related.