This guide is part of the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite documentation collection.
This guide contains the following:
Descriptions of each available macro
A list of design elements supported in this architecture, organized by functional categories
Descriptions of each available primitive
About Design Elements
This version of the Libraries Guide describes the valid design elements for 7 series architectures including AMD Zynq™ , and includes examples of instantiation code for each element. Instantiation templates are also supplied in a separate ZIP file, which you can find on www.xilinx.com linked to this file or within the Language Templates in the Vivado Design Suite.
Design elements are divided into the following main categories:
Macros: These elements are in the UniMacro library and the Xilinx Parameterized Macro library in the tool, and are used to instantiate elements that are complex to instantiate by just using the primitives. The synthesis tools will automatically expand these macros to their underlying primitives.
Primitives: Components that are native to the architecture you are targeting.
Design Entry Methods
For each design element in this guide, AMD evaluates the options for using the design element, and recommends what we believe is the best solution for you. The options are:
- Instantiation: This component can be instantiated directly into the design. This method is useful if you want to control the exact use, implementation, or placement of the individual blocks.
- Inference: This component can be inferred by most supported synthesis tools. You should use this method if you want to have complete flexibility and portability of the code to multiple architectures. Inference also gives the tools the ability to optimize for performance, area, or power, as specified by the user to the synthesis tool.
- IP Catalog: This component can be instantiated from the IP catalog. The IP catalog maintains a library of IP Cores assembled from multiple primitives to form more complex functions, as well as interfaces to help in instantiation of the more complex primitives. References here to the IP catalog generally refer to the latter, where you use the IP catalog to assist in the use and integration of certain primitives into your design.
- Macro Support: This component has a UniMacro that can be used. These components are in the UniMacro library in the AMD tool, and are used to instantiate primitives that are too complex to instantiate by just using the primitives. The synthesis tools will automatically expand UniMacros to their underlying primitives.