System Generator for DSP Overview - 2020.2 English - UG948

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator (UG948)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

System Generator for DSP is a design tool in the Vivado® Design Suite that enables you to use the MathWorks® model-based Simulink® design environment for FPGA design. Previous experience with Xilinx® FPGA devices or RTL design methodologies is not required when using System Generator. Designs are captured in the Simulink modeling environment using a Xilinx-specific block set. Downstream FPGA steps including RTL synthesis and implementation (where the gate level design is placed and routed in the FPGA) are automatically performed to produce an FPGA programming bitstream.

Around 100 building blocks are included in the Xilinx-specific DSP block set for Simulink. These blocks include common building blocks such as adders, multipliers and registers. Also included are complex DSP building blocks such as forward-error-correction blocks, FFTs, filters, and memories. These complex blocks leverage Xilinx LogiCORE™ IP to produce optimized results for the selected target device.

Video: The Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video Tutorial: System Generator Multiple Clock Domains describes how to use Multiple Clock Domains within System Generator, making it possible to implement complex DSP systems.
Video: The Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video Tutorial: Generating Vivado HLS block for use in System Generator for DSP describes how to generate a Vivado HLS IP block for use in System Generator, and ends with a summary of how the Vivado HLS block can be used in your System Generator design.
Video: The Vivado Design Suite Quick Take Video: Using Vivado HLS C/C++/System C block in System Generator describes how to incorporate your Vivado HLS design as an IP block into System Generator for DSP.
Video: The Vivado Design Suite Quick Take Video: Specifying AXI4-Lite Interfaces for your Vivado System Generator Design describes how System Generator provides AXI4-Lite abstraction making it possible to incorporate a DSP design into an embedded system. Full support includes integration into the IP catalog, interface connectivity automation, and software APIs.
Video: The Vivado Design Suite QuickTake Video Tutorial: Using Hardware Co-Simulation with Vivado System Generator for DSP describes how to use Point-to-Point Ethernet Hardware Co-Simulation with Vivado System Generator for DSP. Hardware co-simulation makes it possible to incorporate a design running in an FPGA directly into a Simulink simulation.

In this tutorial, you will do the following.

  • Lab 1
    • Understand how to create and validate a model using System Generator.
    • Make use of workspace variables to easily parameterize your models.
    • Synthesize the model into FPGA hardware, and then create a more optimal hardware version of the design.
    • Learn how fixed-point data types can be used to trade off accuracy against hardware area and performance.
  • Lab 2: Learn Modeling Control System with M-Code, incorporating existing RTL designs, written in Verilog or VHDL, into your design, and import C/C++ source files into a System Generator model by leveraging the tool integration with HLS.
  • Lab 3: Learn how to do Timing and Resource Analysis and how to overcome timing violations.
  • Lab 4: Learn how to create an efficient design using multiple clock domains.
  • Lab 5: Use AXI interfaces and Vivado IP integrator to easily include your model into a larger design.