References - 2024.2 English - UG947

Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG947)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

These documents provide supplemental material useful with this guide:

  1. Dynamic Function eXchange Controller IP LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG374)
  2. Dynamic Function eXchange Decoupler IP LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG375)
  3. Dynamic Function eXchange Bitstream Monitor IP LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG376)
  4. Dynamic Function eXchange AXI Shutdown Manager IP LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG377)
  5. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using Constraints (UG903)
  6. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)
  7. Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973)
  8. Silicon Labs CP210x USB-to-UART Installation Guide (UG1033)
  9. Vivado Design Suite DFX Tutorials for Versal Devices
  10. Vivado Design Suite General DFX Tutorials
  11. Vivado Design Suite DFX Tutorials for UltraScale+ Devices
  12. DocNav includes a Dynamic Function eXchange Design Hub that links these documents and other DFX-specific resources. It is also available through the AMD Adaptive Support site.
  13. DFX Debug Tutorial
  14. HSDP tutorial