Equivalent Makefile Used in the Vivado Design Suite - 2024.1 English - UG911

ISE to Vivado Design Suite Migration Guide (UG911)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.1 English
DESIGN = test
DEVICE = xc7v585tffg1157-2
XDC_FILE = ../Src/${DESIGN}.xdc
EDIF_FILE = ../Src/${DESIGN}.edf
# Make all runs to place & route
all : place_n_route
# bitstream : Creates device bitstream
bitstream : ./${DESIGN}.bit
# place_n_route: Stops after place and route for analysis prior to bitstream
place_n_route : ./${DESIGN}_route.dcp
# translate: Stops after full design elaboration and initial optimization for
analysis and floorplanning prior to place and route step
translate : ./${DESIGN}_opt.dcp
# Following calls Tcl files for each desired portion of the Vivado run
# Design checkpoint files and bit file used for dependency management
./${DESIGN}.bit : ./run_vivado_place_n_route.tcl ./${DESIGN}_route.dcp
vivado -mode batch -source run_vivado_bitstream.tcl -tclargs ${DESIGN}
./${DESIGN}_route.dcp : ./run_vivado_place_n_route.tcl ./${DESIGN}_opt.dcp
vivado -mode batch -source run_vivado_place_n_route.tcl -tclargs \
./${DESIGN}_opt.dcp : ./run_vivado_opt.tcl ${EDIF_FILE} ${XDC_FILE}
vivado -mode batch -source run_vivado_opt.tcl -tclargs ${DESIGN} ${DEVICE}
# Clean up all the files from the Vivado run
clean :
rm -f *.jou *.log *.rpt *.dcp *.bit *.xml *.html
# Tar and compress all the files
tar :
tar -zcvf ${DESIGN}.tar.gz *.jou *.log *.rpt *.dcp *.tcl Makefile