Usage - 2024.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The Report DFX Summary report is created by calling the report_dfx_summary command in the Tcl Console with a DFX design open in memory. Reconfigurable Partition Pblocks are required for accurate resource utilization information. The command can be issued after any stage of implementation from post-synthesis to post-route, with the accuracy of the report improving the further along the design is within this process. Use the -file option to send the report to a text file. The -force option overwrites an existing report, and the -append option adds to an existing report. With no options selected, the report is issued in the Tcl Console.

The Report DFX Summary includes the following sections:

  • Design Configuration
  • Design Utilization Summary
  • Design Clock Utilization Summary
  • SLL Summary
  • PPLOC Summary
  • RP Details
  • Shared Tile Reason (For multi RP design)