When the top-level RM netlist is read into the DFX design using update_design -cell
, make sure that all sub-module netlists
are in the same directory as the RM top-level netlist. In this case, the lower-level
netlists do not need to be specified, but they are picked up automatically by the
update_design -cells
command. This is less explicit
than Method 1, but requires fewer steps. In this case the commands to load the RM
netlist would look like the following:
add_files static.dcp
link_design -top <top> part <part>
lock_design -level routing
update_design -cells <rm_inst> -from_file rm_v#.edf
In the last (update_design
) command
above, the lower-level netlists are picked up automatically if they are in the same
directory as rm_v#.edf.