If the boundary falls within the NoC, NoC quiescing is automatic only if the NMU/NSU is inside the RP. If the NoC/PL AXI interface is at the RP boundary, a logical decoupler is still required. In such a case, it is recommended to put the interface NoC in the RP to avoid the use of the AXI decoupler. Then the connection across partitions is no longer AXI-based but based on the NoC internal path through INI.
Although NoC quiescing occurs automatically and allows you to bypass IP
that uses PL, such as the DFX AXI Shutdown Manager or DFX Decoupler, you must oversee
AXI transactions to and from the RP during reconfiguration. Outstanding AXI transactions
across DFX partitions during reconfiguration can lead to NoC timeout errors at NMU or
NSU in the static domain. Additionally, prolonged delays on ready
signals are identified by NMU/NSU, potentially causing AXI handshake
timeouts. You can examine the NMU/NSU interrupt status register (ISR) to assess if the
interrupt register based on timeouts is high.