For users familiar with IP integrator, the block design container (BDC) flow can be used for DFX designs. The reconfigurable module is a block design, and custom RTL submodules in the dynamic region must be integrated using RTL module reference or IP packaging. AXI NoC IP is the main design entry for IP integrator-based NoC designs. Use the inter-NoC interconnect (INI) for NoC connectivity between static and dynamic regions. INI, similar to the virtual NoC interface, connects two logical NoC IPs in different block designs or hierarchies but it is important to note that this approach cannot be used to traverse across RTL files. Instead, it connects the top block design (static) and the reconfigurable module block design directly. As a result, AMD recommends using INI only for the IP integrator BDC-based DFX flow and not for the RTL-based DFX flow. For RTL-based DFX designs that use NoC, you must use the RTL modular NoC flow. Also, AMD recommends the use of IP integrator BDC-based DFX flow only if you have relatively little custom RTL in the dynamic region. Otherwise, repeated changes in the custom RTL can make the design iteration slower with the IP integrator BDC flow.