Design Elements Inside Reconfigurable Modules - 2024.2 English - UG909

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Versal devices support partial reconfiguration for almost all component types. Logic that can be placed in an RM includes:

  • NoC master units (NMUs) and NoC slave units (NSUs)
  • Boundary logic interface (BLI) flip-flops
  • XPIO and HDIO banks, including XPHY, ISERDES, OSERDES, and IDELAYCTRL
  • Memory controllers: DDRMC and DDRMC_RIU
  • Serial transceivers (MGTs) and related components: GTYE5_QUAD, MRMAC, PCIE40E5, and GTM_DUAL
  • All logic components that are mapped to a CLB slice, including LUTs (look-up tables), LUTRAMs, FFs (flip-flops), SRLs (shift registers), and LOOKAHEAD.
  • Block RAM: RAMB18E5 and RAMB36E5
  • DSP blocks: DSP48E2
  • High-speed channelized cryptography engines (HSC)
  • PCIe® (PCI Express), CMAC (100G MAC), and ILKN (Interlaken MAC) blocks
  • UltraRAM blocks: URAM288E5 and URAM288E5_BASE
  • Clocks and clock modifying logic, including BUFG_FABRIC, BUFGCE, BUFG_GT, BUFG_GT_SYNC, BUFGMUX, MMCM, DPLL, XPLL, and MBUFG
  • AI Engines
    Note: Versal AI Engine inclusion in RMs is supported through Vitis platform flows only.