analyze-hw Subcommand - 2024.2 English - UG908

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

The analyze-hw subcommand analyzes configuration errors in situ via a JTAG interface. The arguments to the pdi_dbg_util analyze-hw subcommand are as follows:

pdi_dbg_util analyze-hw [OPTIONS]

Where the options are:

  • -p, --pdi_file PATH
    • Path to PDI file
  • -c, --cs_url TEXT
    • ChipScope server URL [default:TCP:localhost:3042]
  • -t, --target_index INTEGER
    • Index of the target device. Use the list-targets command to get a list of JTAG targets. [default: 0]
  • -u, --url TEXT
    • Hardware server URL [default:TCP:localhost:3121]

The analyze-hw subcommand has a variety of required and optional flags. You pass in the PDI file using the -p or --pdi_file option. The -p option specifies the pdi_file that was used to configure the device. You can also set the -u option with the hw_server connection string. The target index is specified with the -t option. This target is the target device index on the JTAG chain, which is used for error analysis. If the target is on index 0, the -t flag can be omitted to use the default value 0. Lastly, the optional -c flag is used to specify the cs_server, which is used for additional analysis depending on the type of error. If the cs_server is not supplied, the tool skips further analysis.