When a boot configuration error occurs, you can obtain the PDI boot log messages from a Versal device's UART or JTAG. Through Vivado's Hardware Manager, you can run the following command to get the log of the current device:
set logFile [open "pdi.log" w]; puts $logFile [get_property PROGRAM.LOG [current_hw_device]]; close $logFile
This will produce a file named pdi.log, which can be used by the
pdi_dbg_util analyze-log
Through xsdb, you can get a similar log by running the following command:
set logFile [open "xsdb_pdi.log" w]; puts $logFile [device status -hex jtag_status]; puts $logFile [device status -hex error_status]; plm log -handle $logFile; close $logFile
In this case, it produces the file xsdb_pdi.log, which can also be
used with the pdi_dbg_util analyze-log