The following figure shows example output after running the Report Design Analysis in Timing Mode to show the path characteristics of only the ten worst setup paths in the design. Generate the report from the Vivado IDE by selecting , or use the following Tcl command:
report_design_analysis -name <arg>
to the Tcl command. For more
information on Tcl command syntax, see the
Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)
.Report Design Analysis can also provide a Logic Level Distribution table for the worst timing paths. The default number of paths analyzed for the Logic Level Distribution table is 1,000 and can be changed in the Report Design Analysis dialog box. The Logic Level Distribution table is not generated by default but can be generated when you select Include logic level distribution in the Report Design Analysis dialog box Options tab. An example of the Logic Level Distribution table is shown in the following figure.
The logic level distribution GUI has been enhanced to include hyperlinks for the
individual bins. By clicking on these hyperlinks, you can run report_design_analysis
or report_timing
on paths or select timing path objects as shown in the following figure.
The command line option -routes
can be used with
to generate a report
based on the number of routes instead of the number of logic levels.
The command line options -min_level
and -max_level
can be used with -logic_level_distribution
to control the bins.
All the paths with logic levels less than -min_level
are placed in a single bin, and all the paths with logic levels
greater than -max_level
are placed in a single bin.
Create an individual bin for each logic level where at least one path exists in between the levels. For example, if a design has paths with logic levels of 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 (see Timing Path Characteristics Report) using -min_level
3 and -max_level
11, report_design_analysis
reports using the 0-2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12+ bins.