place_design Command (7 Series and UltraScale) - 2024.2 English - UG904

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English
Note: This section applies to 7 series and UltraScale families only. Refer to place_design Command (Versal) for Versal families.

The place_design command runs placement on the design. Like the other implementation commands, place_design is re-entrant in nature. For a partially placed design, the Vivado placer uses the existing placement as the starting point instead of starting from scratch.

place_design Syntax

place_design  [-directive <arg>] [-no_timing_driven] [-timing_summary] 
              [-unplace] [-post_place_opt] [-no_psip] [-sll_align_opt] 
              [-no_bufg_opt] [-ultrathreads] [-quiet] [-verbose]