Bare-metal software drivers are created based on the address offsets assigned to the gateways. These drivers are located in the folder called <target_directory>/ip/drivers. <target_directory>/ip must be added to the Vitis™ environment search paths to use these drivers.
For each Gateway In mapped to an AXI4-Lite interface, the following two APIs are created.
* Write to <Gateway In id> of <design name>. Assignments are LSB-justified.
* @param InstancePtr is the <Gateway In id> instance to operate on.
* @param Data is value to be written to gateway <Gateway In id>.
* @return None.
* @note <Text from Description control of the Gateway In GUI>
void <Gateway In id>_write(example_dds *InstancePtr, u32 Data);
* Read from <Gateway In id> of <design name>. Assignments are LSB-justified.
* @param InstancePtr is the phase_valid instance to operate on.
* @return u32
* @note Phase Valid Port That Must Be Asserted.
u32 <Gateway In id>_read(example_dds *InstancePtr);
<Gateway In id>
: <design_name>_<gateway_name>
where <design_name>
is the VHDL/Verilog top-level name of the design and
is the scrubbed name of the
Gateway Outs generate a similar driver, but are read-only.