Compilation Results - 2020.2 English

Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Model-Based DSP Design Using System Generator (UG897)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

This topic discusses the low-level files System Generator produces when HDL Netlist is selected on the System Generator token and Generate is clicked. The files consist of HDL that implements the design. In addition, System Generator organizes the HDL files, and other hardware files into a Vivado® IDE Project. All files are written to the target directory specified on theSystem Generator token. If no test bench is requested, then the key files produced by System Generator are the following:

Table 1. Compilation Files
File Name or Type Description
<design_name>.vhd/.v This file contains a hierarchical structural netlist along with clock/clock enable controls
<design_name_entity_declarations>.vhd/.v This file contains the entity of module definitions of System Generator blocks in the design.
<design_name>.xpr This file is the Vivado IDE project file that describes all of the attributes of the Vivado IDE design.

If a test bench is requested, then, in addition to the above, System Generator produces files that allow simulation results to be compared. The comparisons are between Simulink® simulation results and corresponding results from ModelSim, or any other RTL simulator supported by Vivado® IDE such as Vivado simulator, Model, or VCS. The additional files are as follows:

Table 2. Additional Compilation Files
File Name or Type Description
Various .dat files These contain the simulation results from Simulink.
<design_name>_tb.vhd/.v This is a test bench that wraps the design. When simulated, this test bench compares simulation results from the digital simulator against those produced by Simulink.