Due to the width of high bandwidth buses, their placement can have an impact on routing congestion, timing, and power. A dataflow analysis facilitates inspection of the movement of data on high bandwidth buses by simplifying the netlist to enable easy navigation and preserving key placement anchor points.
When a dataflow design is created, a stripped down netlist is generated from the original full design netlist, displaying it in the dataflow viewer. The dataflow netlist preserves bus nets above a user-specified width and trims out bus nets below this threshold, scalar nets, and lower level cells. For more information, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
To open a dataflow design, use one of the following methods:
- Select Note: A checkpoint or run must already be open for this option to be available.
- From the Flow Navigator, select Note: This option pulls through the flow as required. The netlist generation is based on the active run.
or select .
- From the Tcl interface, use the Tcl command:
.Note: A design must be open before issuing the command.
The following figure shows the default view layout for a dataflow design.