Package Dimensions - UG863

Versal Adaptive SoC PCB Design User Guide (UG863)

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Release Date
1.8 English

Package dimensions for Versal devices can vary from one package to another, so care must be taken in system design to ensure that changes in length, width, or height do not interfere with other components in the system. Some packages are also “overhang” packages in that their lengths and widths extend further beyond the pin array than other devices with similar pin counts. If migrating from a smaller package to a bigger package, ensure that an appropriate keep-out area is in place so that no capacitors or other components interfere with the bigger outline. Refer to the Mechanical Drawings chapter in Versal Adaptive SoC Packaging and Pinouts Architecture Manual (AM013) for the dimensions of the various Versal device packages.


Customers considering device migration to VC1802/VC1902 in the VIVA1596 package from VC1502 in the VSVA1596 package must account for package footprint differences between the two packages due to package overhang. The package size for the VSVA1596 is 37.5 mm x 37.5 mm while the package size for the VIVA1596 is 40 mm x 40 mm. However, the BGA ball footprint is identical for both the packages.

Customers should also be aware that there might be differences in package height when migrating across some die/package combinations. All the devices within the Versal AI Core and Prime series are monolithic devices. However, Premium devices are a combination of monolithic and SSI technology variants. Some packages like VSVA2785 within the Premium series migrate between monolithic and SSI technology variants, resulting in package height differences. This difference in package height should be considered when designing the thermal solution to ensure that the same heat sink solution works across devices while meeting any height requirements to fit into the same chassis.