place_design - 2024.2 English - UG835

Vivado Design Suite Tcl Command Reference Guide (UG835)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Automatically place ports and leaf-level instances


place_design [‑directive <arg>] [‑subdirective <args>] [‑no_timing_driven]
    [‑eco] [‑timing_summary] [‑unplace] [‑post_place_opt] [‑no_psip]
    [‑sll_align_opt] [‑clock_vtree_type <arg>] [‑no_bufg_opt]
    [‑ultrathreads] [‑no_noc_opt] [‑net_delay_weight <arg>] [‑quiet]


Name Description
[-directive] Mode of behavior (directive) for this command. Please refer to Arguments section of this help for values for this option. Default: Default
[-subdirective] (Advanced Flow) Mode of behavior (subdirective) for this command. Please refer to Arguments section of this help for values for this option.
[-no_timing_driven] Do not run in timing driven mode
[-eco] (Advanced Flow) Run placer in ECO mode
[-timing_summary] Enable accurate post-placement timing summary.
[-unplace] Unplace all the instances which are not locked by Constraints.
[-post_place_opt] (Not applicable for Advanced Flow) Run only the post commit optimizer
[-no_psip] Disable PSIP (Physical Synthesis In Placer) optimization during placement.
[-sll_align_opt] (Not applicable for Advanced Flow) Run only the sll alignment optimizer in PCO
[-clock_vtree_type] Specify v-tree template to be used in place_design, valid values are balanced, intraSLR, interSLR. For the Advanced Flow, the default is balanced; otherwise, default is interSLR.
[-no_bufg_opt] (Not applicable for Advanced Flow) Disable global buffer insertion during placement
[-ultrathreads] (Not applicable for Advanced Flow) Enable ultra-threads mode to speed up place_design
[-no_noc_opt] To result in better NoC QoS during place_design
[-net_delay_weight] Specify net delay weight to be used, valid options are low, medium, high Default: low
[-quiet] Ignore command errors
[-verbose] Suspend message limits during command execution




Place the specified ports and logic cells in the current design, or all ports and logic cells, onto device resources on the target part. The tool optimizes placement to minimize negative timing slack and reduce overall wire length, while also attempting to spread out placement to reduce routing congestion.

Placement is one step of the complete design implementation process, which can be run automatically through the use of the launch_runs command when running the AMD Vivado™ Design Suite tools in the Project Mode.

In Non-Project Mode, the implementation process must be run manually with the individual commands namely opt_design, place_design, phys_opt_design, and route_design. Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Design Flows Overview (UG892) for a complete description of Non-ProjectMode.

Tip: The place_design can be multi-threaded to speed the process. Refer to the set_param command for more information on setting the general.maxThreads parameter.

You can also manually place some elements of the design using place_ports, or by setting LOC properties on the cell, and then automatically place the remainder of the design using place_design.

This command requires an open synthesized design, and it is recommended that you run the opt_design command prior to running place_design to avoid placing a suboptimal netlist.


-directive <arg> - (Optional) Direct placement to achieve specific design objectives. Only one directive can be specified for a single place_design command, and values are case-sensitive. Supported values include:

  • Explore - Increased placer effort in detail placement and post-placement optimization .
  • AggressiveExplore - Attempt to improve QoR at the expense of runtime. The placer runtime is significantly higher compared to the Explore directive because the placer uses more aggressive optimization goals to meet timing requirements.
  • RuntimeOptimized - Run fewest iterations and trades higher design performance for faster runtime.
  • Quick - Absolute, fastest runtime, non-timing-driven, performs the minimum required placement for a legal design.
  • Default - Runs place_design with default settings.
Important: The -directive option controls the overall placement strategy, and is not compatible with some place_design options. It can be used with -no_psip, -no_bufg_opt, -quiet and -verbose. Only the Explore, Quick, and Default directives are compatible with high reuse designs and the incremental implementation flow as defined by read_checkpoint -incremental. Refer to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Implementation (UG904) for more information on placement strategies and the use of the -directive option.
-subdirective <arg> - (Optional) Affects specific placer phases. The following placer phases can be controlled with subdirectives:
floorplanning, global placer, detailed placer
More than one subdirective can be used at a time. The subdirective option is incompatible with other options with the exception of -directive, -no_psip, -clock_vtree_type, -quiet and -verbose. The subdirective option has the following format:
  • For available values of low, med and high:
  • For all others values, specifying the phase and sub-directive enables the optimization:

The supported phase names are Floorplan for the floorplanning phase, GPlace for the global placer phase, and DPlace for the detailed pacer phase. Multiple sub-directives can be specified through a Tcl list. Supported subdirectives are:

  • RuntimeOptimized: Floorplan, Gplace, Dplace Values: Using option indicates optimization is enabled Improves runtime at the expense of design performance.
  • ExtraTimingUpdate: Floorplan, Gplace, Dplace Values: Using option indicates optimization is enabled Increases the number of timing updates to improve design performance.
  • ExtraTimingOpt: Floorplan, Gplace, Dplace Values: low (default), med, high Improves design performance at the expense of runtime.
  • BalancedSLR: Floorplan Values: low, med (default), high Partitions across SLRs to balance number of cells between SLRs.
  • ForceSpreading: Floorplan, Gplace Values: low (default), med, high Spreads the placement by lowering the target utilization for all block types
  • ReduceCongestion: Gplace Values: low (default), med, high Reduces global and pin congestion at the expense of other metrics.
  • WLDrivenBlockPlacement: Floorplan, Gplace Values: Using option indicates optimization is enabled Wirelength-driven placement of RAM and DSP blocks. Overrides timing-driven placement by directing the placer to minimize the distance of connections to and from blocks. This directive can improve timing to and from RAM and DSP blocks.
  • ReducePinDensity: Dplace Values: low (default), med, high Detail placer tries to reduce pin congestion for CLBs to improve overall router convergence.

-no_timing_driven - (Optional) Disables the default timing driven placement algorithm. This results in a faster placement based on wire lengths, but ignores any timing constraints during the placement process.

-timing_summary - (Optional) Report the post-placement worst negative slack (WNS) using results from static timing analysis. The WNS value is identical to that of report_timing_summary when run on the post-placement design. By default the placer reports an estimated WNS based on incremental placement updates during the design implementation. The -timing_summary option incurs additional runtime to run a full timing analysis.

-unplace - (Optional) Unplace all the instances which are not locked by constraints. Cells with fixed placement (IS_LOC_FIXED set to TRUE), are not affected.
Tip: Use the set_property to change IS_LOC_FIXED to FALSE prior to unplacing fixed cells.

-no_psip - (Optional) Disable PSIP (Physical Synthesis In Placer) optimization during placement. By default, to improve delay the Vivado Advanced Flow placer performs optimizations such as replicating drivers of high-fanout nets and drivers of loads that are far-apart. This option disables those optimizations.

-quiet - (Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command. The command also returns TCL_OK regardless of any errors encountered during execution.
Note: Any errors encountered on the command-line, while launching the command, will be returned. Only errors occurring inside the command will be trapped.
-verbose - (Optional) Temporarily override any message limits and return all messages from this command.
Note: Message limits can be defined with the set_msg_config command.


The following example directs the Vivado Advanced Flow placer to try different placement algorithms to achieve a better placement result:

place_design -directive Explore

The following example uses the Default directive but enables wirelength driven placement of RAM and DSP blocks during floorplanning.

place_design -subdirective Floorplan.WLDrivenBlockPlacement

The following example uses the Default directive but sets instructs the placer to use high effort for SLR balancing in floorplan, reducing congestion in global place and reducing pin density in detailed place.

place_design -subdirective {Floorplan.BalancedSLR.high GPlace.ReduceCongestion.high DPlace.ReducePinDensity.high}

This example unplaces the current design:

place_design -unplace