Step 6 (Stage 3): Rework Site Cleaning

UltraScale+ Device Packaging and Pinouts Product Specification User Guide (UG575)

Document ID
Release Date
1.19 English

The final stage is rework site cleaning. After component removal, use a non-abrasive tool (wooden probe) to scrape off the underfill residue. Use a flux saturated cotton swab to pick up and clean the remaining underfill residue.

Figure 9-10: Scrape Away Underfill Residue and Clean with a Flux Saturated Cotton Swab

X-Ref Target - Figure 9-10


IMPORTANT: Following the initial placement and reflow process, devices should not be reflowed more than two additional times and should not be removed from the board. Any additional rework beyond that is likely to cause irreparable damage to the device.