To create a Docker image, first create a makefile
to compile hello.c
CC = gcc
RM = rm -f
default: all
all: hello
hello: hello.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o hello hello.c
clean veryclean:
$(RM) hello
To create a Dockerfile
using the
following. The intention is to print Hello World
from hello.c when running the Docker image.
# Choose the base parent image for build
FROM ubuntu:latest as build
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y build-essential git cmake autoconf libtool pkg-config
WORKDIR /workspace
COPY makefile hello.c ./
RUN make
# Choose the base parent image for deployment
FROM ubuntu:latest
WORKDIR /opt/xilinx/test
COPY --from=build /workspace/hello ./
CMD ["/.hell"]
On the target, put the three (3) files in the same folder. In this example, the files are in amd_hello_kria/. Customize the example to a specific project: < vendorName_appName_targetName > and build and test on the target:
docker build -t amd_hello_kria . # build the docker image
docker run amd_hello_kria // test docker image
Now you can upload to your repository for testing. Create a user name on, remember your <username> and <password>. Then, upload the docker image into your private repository for staging:
sudo docker login --username <username> --password <your password> # login into dockerhub
docker build -t <username>/amd_hello_kria . # build for private repo
sudo docker push <username>/amd_hello_kria:latest # push to private repo
Test using the following commands:
docker pull <username>/amd_hello_kria:latest # pull image
docker run <username>/amd_hello_kria:latest # run image