Packet-switched streams are essentially multiplexed data streams that
carry different types of data at different times. Packet-switched streams do not provide
deterministic latency due to the potential for resource contention with other
packet-switched streams. The multiplexed data flows in units of packets with a 32-bit
packet header and a variable number of payload words. A header word needs to be sent
before the actual payload data and the TLAST signal is required on the last word of the
packet. Two new data types called input_pktstream
are introduced to represent the
multiplexed data streams as input to or output from a kernel, respectively. More details
on the packet headers and data types can be found in Packet Stream Operations.
To explicitly control the multiplexing and de-multiplexing of packets,
two new templated node classes, pktsplit<n>
, are added to the ADF graph
library. A node instance of class pktmerge<n>
a n:1 multiplexer of n packet streams producing a single packet stream. A node instance
of class pktsplit<n>
is a 1:n de-multiplexer of a
packet stream producing n different packet streams. The maximum number of allowable
packet streams is 32 on a single physical channel (n ≤ 32).
A kernel can receive packets of data either as buffers of data or as
. And a kernel can send packets of
data either as buffers of data or as output_pktstream
connect (<SOURCE>.out[0], <DEST>.in[0]);
When a kernel receives packets of data as a buffer of data, the header and TLAST are dropped prior to the kernel receiving the buffer of data. If the kernel writes an output buffer of data, the packet header and TLAST are automatically inserted, when the buffer is transferred by DMA to a packet stream.
However, if the kernel receives input_pktstream
of data, the kernel needs to process the packet header and
TLAST, in addition to the packet data. Similarly, if the kernel sends an output_pktstream
of data, the kernel needs to insert the
packet header and TLAST, in addition to the packet data into the output stream.
These concepts are illustrated in the following example.
class ExplicitPacketSwitching: public adf::graph {
adf:: kernel core[4];
adf:: pktsplit<4> sp;
adf:: pktmerge<4> mg;
adf::input_plio in;
adf::output_plio out;
mygraph() {
core[0] = adf::kernel::create(aie_core1);
adf::source(core[0]) = "aie_core1.cpp";
sp = adf::pktsplit<4>::create();
mg = adf::pktmerge<4>::create();
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
adf::connect(sp.out[i], core[i].in[0]);
The graph has one input PLIO port and one output PLIO port. The input packet stream from the PL is split four ways and input to four different AI Engine kernels. The output streams from the four AI Engine kernels are merged into one packet stream which is output to the PL. The Vitis IDE Graph view of the code is shown as follows.
When the AI Engine kernel uses buffer port input, the packet stream to the buffer is automatically decoded and packet data are transferred to the buffer via DMA. When the AI Engine kernel uses buffer port output and the buffer is connected to packet stream, the packet header is inserted automatically and the last sample of the buffer data is enabled with TLAST to denote the completion of the packet.
To read data from a packet stream in the AI Engine, the input_pktstream
interface is used. However, this data is read as an integer value by default. If other
data types are to be read, the data can first be read as an integer value and then cast
to the desired data type.
Following is an example kernel code that accepts and transfers floating-point data type:
const uint32 pktType=0;
void aie_core1_float(input_pktstream *in,output_pktstream *out){
readincr(in);//read header and discard
uint32 ID=getPacketid(out,0);//for output pktstream
writeHeader(out,pktType,ID); //Generate header for output
bool tlast;
for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
int32 tmp=readincr(in,tlast);//read data as integer type
float tmp_f=reinterpret_cast<float&>(tmp);//Reinterpret memory as float
writeincr(out,tmp_f,i==3);//TLAST=1 for last word
The input data should also be in integer format for simulation. For example,
if float values 0.0f
, 1.0f
, 2.0f
and 3.0f
are sent to the kernel, they are converted into integer values in the
input data file:
After the kernel execution, the float output values are 1.0f
, 2.0f
, 3.0f
and 4.0f
. In a
simulation output data file, the output values are in integer format, as follows: