AI Engine-ML External Memory Access - 2024.2 English - UG1603

AI Engine-ML Kernel and Graph Programming Guide (UG1603)

Document ID
Release Date
2024.2 English

Access to external memory must be declared and managed in the graph. The DMA related to the external memory is located in the interface tile.

External Memory Related API

A buffer located in external memory must be declared in the graph class and parameterized in the constructor of the class. This type of buffer is called external_buffer. The following code snippet shows the APIs related to external buffers:
using namespace adf;
class ExtBufGraph : public graph {
adf::kernel mk;
adf::external_buffer<uint32> ddrin,ddrout;

ExtBufGraph() {

  mk = adf::kernel::create(maker_buf1d);
  adf::source(mk) = "maker.cpp";
  adf::runtime<ratio>(mk) = 0.9;

  // Declare 2 buffers residing in the external memory
  //    both are 2-dimensional and the first one has an input port 
  //    and the second one has an output port
  ddrin = adf::external_buffer<uint32>::create({FRAME_LENGTH, NFRAMES}, 0, 1);
  ddrout = adf::external_buffer<uint32>::create({FRAME_LENGTH, NFRAMES}, 1, 0);

  // Specify the read and write access scheme for each iteration
  adf::read_access(ddrin.out[0]) = adf::tiling(/*  Tiling Parameters  */);
  adf::write_access([0]) = adf::tiling(/*  Tiling Parameters  */);


  location<dma>(ddrin.out[0]) = dma_channel(shim_tile, <column>, <row>, <channel_number>); 
  location<dma>([0]) = dma_channel(shim_tile, <column>, <row>, <channel_number>); 

The line adf::external_buffer<int32> ddrin,ddrout; declares two buffers located in external memory called ddrin and ddrout that will contain int32 data. The data type can be any type supported by the AI Engine-ML.

Later, in the graph class constructor, the buffers are parameterized with:
ddrin = adf::external_buffer<uint32>::create({FRAME_LENGTH, NFRAMES}, 0, 1);
ddrout = adf::external_buffer<uint32>::create({FRAME_LENGTH, NFRAMES}, 1, 0);

The external buffers are parameterized with three attributes:

A vector of 1, 2 or 3 attributes that defines the sizes over the various dimensions of the buffer. These sizes are defined in terms of data samples, whatever its size in bytes.
Number of input ports
The number of physical input ports that are used to write to the external buffer.
Number of output ports
The number of physical output ports that are used to read from this buffer.
Note: External buffers cannot be used as intermediate data nodes in a data flow graph. It must be either an input or an output to the graph.
The write order to the buffer as well as the read order from the buffer must be defined for each port. This is explained in Tiling Parameters and Buffer Descriptors and Tiling Parameters Specification. There is no restriction on the pattern of reads and writes. Overlapping data (reads and writes) is allowed, but the reads and writes cannot access data outside the buffer dimensions. These access schemes are specified using read_access and write_access API:
adf::write_access([0]) = adf::tiling(/*  Tiling Parameters  */);
adf::read_access(ddrin.out[0]) = adf::tiling(/*  Tiling Parameters  */);
The dma_channel constraints can be optionally used to constrain the location of the external buffers;
location<dma>(ddrin.out[0]) = dma_channel(shim_tile, <column>, <row>, <channel_number>); 
location<dma>([0]) = dma_channel(shim_tile, <column>, <row>, <channel_number>); 

Host Code API

The host code contains memory allocation and buffer management instructions for the external buffers. The API list follows:
// Set the address of the external_buffer at runtime.
external_buffer::setAddress(const void* ptr);

// Initiate external buffer to AIE transfer on external_buffer output port.
// (Non-blocking API)
return_code external_buffer::gm2aie_nb(adf::port<adf::output>& out);

// Initiate AIE to external transfer on external_buffer input port. 
// (Non-blocking API)
return_code external_buffer::aie2gm_nb(adf::port<adf::input>& in);

// Wait for the transactions on the external buffer input port
// to complete (Blocking API)
return_code external_buffer::wait(adf::port<adf::input>& in);

// Wait for the transactions on the external buffer output port
// to complete (Blocking API)
return_code external_buffer::wait(adf::port<adf::output>& out);
In addition to the API list above, you should use GMIO::malloc and GMIO::free to allocate and free physical memory in the DDR. Here is an example code:
using namespace std;
using namespace adf;

FullControl EG;

const int InSize = NITERATIONS*InSizePerIteration;
const int OutSize = NITERATIONS*OutSizePerIteration;

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {

// Prepare External Memory content for EG graph
uint32_t* input_data = (uint32_t*)GMIO::malloc(InSize*sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t* output_data = (uint32_t*)GMIO::malloc(OutSize*sizeof(uint32_t));

for(uint32_t i = 0;i<InSize;i++) // memset could be used
  input_data[i] = i;

for(uint32_t i = 0;i<OutSize;i++) // memset could be used
  output_data[i] = 99999;


for(int kiter=0;kiter<NITERATIONS;kiter++)
  cout << "Iteration: " << kiter << endl;

  EG.ddrin.setAddress(input_data + kiter*InSizePerIteration);
  EG.ddrout.setAddress(output_data + kiter*OutSizePerIteration);
  cout << "\tAddresses set. " << endl;

  cout << "\tTransactions sent. " << endl;;


cout << "OFM Interface DMA transfer done, ready for file I/O!!" << endl;


return 0;
Following is an example code using XRT API in the host code for Linux:
#include "xrt/xrt_kernel.h"
#include "xrt/xrt_graph.h"
#include "xrt/xrt_aie.h"

const int NITERATIONS=16;
const int BLOCK_SIZE_in_Bytes=NITERATIONS*InSizePerIteration;
const int BLOCK_SIZE_out_Bytes=NITERATIONS*OutSizePerIteration;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    // Create XRT device handle for ADF API
    char* xclbinFilename = argv[1];
    // Open xclbin
    auto device = xrt::device(0); //device index=0
    auto uuid = device.load_xclbin(xclbinFilename);

    auto din_buffer = xrt::aie::bo (device, BLOCK_SIZE_in_Bytes, xrt::bo::flags::normal, /*memory group*/0); //Only non-cacheable buffer is supported
    int* dinArray=<int*>();
    for(int i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE_in_Bytes/4;i++){//Initialize input data

    auto dout_buffer = xrt::aie::bo (device, BLOCK_SIZE_out_Bytes, xrt::bo::flags::normal, /*memory group*/0); //Only non-cacheable buffer is supported
    int* doutArray=<int*>();

    auto ghdl=xrt::graph(device,uuid,"EG"); //Suppose graph instance name is EG;
    auto dout_buffer_run=dout_buffer.async("EG.ddrout",XCL_BO_SYNC_BO_AIE_TO_GMIO,BLOCK_SIZE_out_Bytes,/*offset*/0);
    auto din_buffer_run=din_buffer.async("EG.ddrin",XCL_BO_SYNC_BO_GMIO_TO_AIE,BLOCK_SIZE_in_Bytes,/*offset*/0);

    std::cout<<"Wait for external buffer"<<std::endl;
    dout_buffer_run.wait();//Wait for gmioOut to complete
    std::cout<<"Wait for graph"<<std::endl;

    int error=0;
    //post processing ......

      std::cout<<"TEST PASSED!"<<std::endl;

    return error;