Sync Instances File - UG1602

Enhanced PTP User Guide (UG1602)

Document ID
Release Date
1.2 English
The sync-instances file identifies the sync instances that are present. It gives details of each instance including its ranking, and shows which instance is currently selected. It also identifies the selection policy currently in use. For example:
# cat sync-instances 
|  R | instance    S | M | state     O | A | priority | C | gm class    | accuracy | allan var | steps |
|  5 | fr1           |   | slave     0 |   |      128 | 0 | freerunning |      inf |       nan |     0 |
|  6 | ptp3          |   | listening 1 |   |      128 | 0 | freerunning |      inf |       nan |     0 |
|  2 | ptp2          |   | slave     0 |   |      128 | 0 | locked      |      150 |  3.34e-19 |     1 |
|  1 | ptp1        * |   | slave     0 |   |      128 | 0 | locked      |      150 |  2.61e-23 |     1 |
|  3 | pps1          |   | slave     0 |   |      128 | 0 | locked      |      150 |       nan |     1 |
|  7 | ntp1          |   | disabled  3 |   |      128 | 0 | freerunning |    1e+07 |       nan |     0 |
|  4 | crny1         |   | slave     0 |   |      128 | 0 | locked      | 6.68e+07 |       nan |     4 |

Key: R = rank  S = selected  M = manual  O = state order  A = alarms  C = clustering score

Selection policy:
 0 : manual
 1 : state
 2 : no-alarms
 3 : user-priority
 4 : clustering
 5 : clock-class
 6 : total-accuracy
 7 : allan-variance
 8 : steps-removed