QSPI32 - UG1582

VPK180 Evaluation Board User Guide (UG1582)

Document ID
Release Date
1.1 English

This boot mode is supported onboard and is wired to XCVP1802 U1 bank 500 PMC_MIO[0:12] pins. The supported QSPI configuration is dual-parallel x8. To boot from QSPI:

  1. Store a valid XCVP1802 device boot image file in the QSPI.
  2. Set boot mode SW1 for QSPI32 as indicated in the "Mode Switch SW1 Configuration Option Settings" table in Versal Device Configuration.
  3. Power-cycle the VPK180 board or press the POR pushbutton SW2. SW2 is near the USB-C JTAG port J369 in the figure in Board Component Location.