Enable Local Memory Bus Instruction
Interface: Enables LMB instruction interface. When this instruction is set as
shown in Other Interfaces, the Local Memory Bus (LMB)
instruction interface is available.
A typical MicroBlaze system uses this interface to provide fast local memory for instructions. Normally, it connects to an LMB bus using an LMB Bus Interface Controller to access a common block RAM.
- Enable Local Memory Bus Data Interface: Enables LMB data interface. When this parameter is set, the local memory bus (LMB) data interface is available. A typical MicroBlaze system uses this interface to provide fast local memory for data and vectors. Normally, it connects to an LMB bus using an LMB Bus Interface Controller to access a common block RAM. With 64-bit MicroBlaze, there is also an option to set the Data Width to 32-bit or 64-bit.