PDM table editing features are intuitively designed for ease of use, enabling you to focus more on power numbers and configurations rather than the intricacies of tool usage.
- Selection
- There are multiple methods to select multiple table rows.
- Consecutive row selection: Using arrow keys:
- Select any cell using mouse or → (Right Arrow) + Tab key.
- Use Shift + ↑/↓ to select continuous rows in either direction, after selecting a row.
Using your mouse: Select any row and then drag vertically in any direction with the left mouse key held down.
- Non-consecutive rows: Select any row, then press and
hold the Ctrl key and select additional rows individually by clicking
them to add to the selection.
After making a table selection, right-click on it or click the Edit menu to see the following available actions.
- Consecutive row selection: Using arrow keys:
- Copy/Paste
- Copy copies the selection to the clipboard. The copied selection can be pasted at any location of the table. You can also paste from the clipboard directly into a spreadsheet.
- Fill Down
- For selected columns Fill down copies the contents of top row to all the subsequent selected rows.
- Duplicate
- This feature duplicates all the selected rows in the next rows. This feature can duplicate multiple rows, whereas Fill Down only copies the top row selected.
- Insert
- Inserts a blank row at the selected position and shifts the existing rows down. Only one row can be inserted at a time. Multiple selections do not work with this feature.
- Clear
- Clear option either removes or resets all the user configured values. If there is no default configuration, the row contents are changed to blank, else it resets to the default configurations.
- Delete
- Delete removes the entire selection. The remaining rows move up in the table.